Chapter 14

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I stare at her confused at what she had to say. What does she know that I already don't from that horrible day? As far as I knew is that everyone from that day we were attacked are dead, not including myself of course. I became very wary on letting her enter, but the glint in her eye told me that she wasn't joking about anything she is about to say.

I move out of the way and allow her to enter through the door. She walked in and I could smell her faint cheap perfume along with her hideous scent, creating a mix of barf that wants to crawl up my throat. Although the temptation to hurl is very strong, I force it down and point towards the couch. I swear this bedroom is so enormous that with the right appliances we would never have to leave this room.

Rylan saw her enter and gave me a worried look, due to our old relationship, but I just nodded towards the opposite couch which I was headed. I sat down, soon joined by Rylan and he immediately pulled me close to his side. I was stunned so much that I almost fell into his lap by the strength of his pull. It didn't hurt, but he was fusing over my arm were he pulled me. Instead of placing me on his lap, like I knew his plan would lead to, he just pulled me into his side so that I was lying on him a little.

Ashley took a deep breath and then produced a nervous chuckle from her throat before muttering, "Well this is awkward." She took another deep breath before meeting her eyes to mine then to Rylan's and back and forth from there. She said, "I won't try to take up so much of your time, but this is something that I have never told anyone before and it has been killing me for years. After learning how Amorita returned and she was the only one to survive and all, I thought I should probably speak the truth.

A year or so before the incident, before I knew I was a lesbian," I never knew that part about her. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since she was always full of surprises, a good chunk crueler than others. I decided to keep quite and let her keep speaking, "I was dating a male from another pack. I thought he was my mate because I wanted to spend so much time with him and never wanted to leave. A few months later I found out that he was banished from his pack because he let out sacred information to other neighboring packs. I didn't think anything of it and continued to date him, still not telling anyone because they would think I was dumb and make me break up with him. They would probably think that once I found my mate that I would reject him and go to the one I was already dating.

Another few months passed by and he asked me to join him and become a rogue too. I was so frightened because I was scared that if one day he wasn't actually my mate then I would be stuck mateless and a rogue. I put it off as much as I could, but finally he demanded that it was either him or my pack and I choose my pack. He went ballistic yelling slurs and threatening me as I ran away. He didn't run after me, but he terrified me enough to lock myself in my room for a month. I couldn't say anything because if I did then everyone would know and I could have been shunned for being such an idiot for dating a rogue that wasn't truly my mate.

I actually recovered and lived my life normally until I got an anonymous note that read: You left me and you were my only love. Why don't I go and take your loved ones too? I didn't dare tell anyone because the longer I kept this a secret the harder it would have been for everyone to deal with it, so I decided to keep quiet and hope for the best. Now that I think of it it was so stupid to keep quiet and I should have known better.

I got another letter a week before the incident and it read: Why should you get such a happy occasion when my happiness has been destroyed? Watch out babe I'm coming to fight for you. At the time I didn't know that there would be a party going on so I didn't think anything of it to burn this note like the last one. I always hoped that no one could find out since there would be no evidence, but it was stupid because it could have been helpful, some how.

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