Chapter 10

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I took a deep breath and let go of Rylan's hand to continue my path into the kitchen. I could feel all those judging eyes burn into my back as I headed towards the breakfast bar, where multiple plates lie with enormous amounts of food on them. There were all kinds of items from scrambled eggs to the golden brown hash browns and one of my favorite, red velvet pancakes. I looked for the plate with the smallest amount of food, but with the biggest set of red velvet pancakes. I was fortunate enough to find a plate just to my liking. I had a feeling that Rylan's mother knew I wouldn't eat much, but the idea where she knew I love red velvet pancakes, I have absolutely no fucking idea, and it scared me.

I picked up the warm plate that held hot food and headed towards the counter, where beverages were laid out. I decided to go for a big glass of apple juice, because it is one of the beverages I loved as a child. After grabbing both my plate and glass I decided it was a gorgeous day out and that I didn't want to be cramped up inside where my fellow wolves could judge me. As I walked out the door, I grabbed a set of silverware and some salt. Rylan stayed in the same place he was before, but when I walked past him it seemed to spark some kind of signal in his body to get moving.

Once I was completely out of sight, I let out a deep breath and moved more naturally where I wanted to go. I could feel Rylan behind me before he decided to disappear. I internally shrugged my shoulders before I began to move my eyes around, attempting to find where that stupid door was. Before I ran off, there was a door that laid in the middle of the wall in the living room where it would lead off into the woods, where I knew a perfect place laid. It actually travels under the ground. On the other side there is a latch on the ground, but only werewolves may access it and in the pack all know the secret password to enter, in case of an attack where you were. We change it every few years and I hope that they haven't changed it since because then I would be lost and alone, again.

I smiled when I found, more hidden than I thought it was and opened it, thank goodness for there being no lock inside the house, because it would be hell trying to open it with my hands full. I put down the glass and opened the door. I stuck my foot in between the door and the underground tunnel, so I wouldn't have to open it again. I grabbed my glass of apple juice and traveled down the tunnel.

A few things I noticed from since I was last here was that they decided to decorate it a little. Before it was like those spooky tunnels you would see in a horror film, but this was much better than before. The ground was covered in a beige carpet and the walls were colored in art on both sides. Throughout the walk, I looked at the beautiful art on the right side of the wall, I then recognized different pictures and realized that it told the story of the wolves. It began with the raping and how we became what we are. I was thankful that there were only a few pictures, and there were no intimate parts shown along with only drawing the wolves humping our ancestors instead of showing their intimate parts. Then it went through the process of how we changed, the unbearable pain one would feel through it. Usually a pup would change by the age of five or six. I remember how much pain I was in. Although I didn't have my mate, I was happy to have my parents, because for some reason, I changed at age three, which was early than any other wolf has in the world. My parents always told me I was special because of it, but I guess it just made me a week pack member.

My feet continued to move down the path to the other ancestors that changed. Since most were grown ups they were able to fight through the pain, except for a few week ones that just couldn't bear the pain that they were in. Once they changed, they realized the strong connections they had to each other. Most were already married, but they realized that their true mate was with another spouse. There was a small battle due to this and many were mourned because it took away almost half the wolves, which caused many to die with them since they were their mates. In end there were only a handful of mates left that had the correct mate they were supposed to be with. Due to the large depopulation and the females going into heat, causing the males to follow with their wolf instincts, many mated and marked within minutes of the battle.

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