Chapter 7

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~Rylan's POV~

Tears entered my eyes when I entered Amorita's home. It has been 2 years since she left and it has been 2 years since I have lost all of my emotions. That night I was pacing back and forth, wondering what the outcome would be to our new relationship, sad doesn't even begin to describe the strong emotion I felt when I discovered that she left that night. My ego barely got hit because my heart took most of the pain.

When I discovered she left, I tracked down all of the pack members that were supposed to be on duty. All of them stated that they were dealing with a different sighting, this one being a rogue. I questioned them a bit about the rogue and I was disappointed to find out he got away. I dismissed them afterwards so that I can go and cry for my mate, who is somewhere in the cruel world.

Sure, I still felt our connection, but since she left the pack, hasn't joined another and we haven't mated or marked each other, means that the connection is barely there. I would be a mad man if I went out to look for her then and there, which would lead the pack into dismissing me, which I really don't want. At least I know she is alive because if she is dead, instead of the almost full feeling I have been having for the last couple of years, I would feel empty to beyond belief and slowly wither away, most likely leading to my committing suicide.

With mates and their deaths, it is quite unique with each circumstance. Once you are at the age to find your mate and you don't know your mate, but she/he dies, then the Moon Goddess would give you another, so that you don't have to live alone for the rest of your life. If you do meet your mate, but don't actually mate or mark them before they die, then you would slowly wither away, that I hopefully would never have to face. If you do meet your mate and mark or mate with them and they die, then you would die instantly along with them. Basically, if you don't mate or mark with them immediately before they die, then you are doomed to live in agony until you take your own life. It is torturous which is why many Alphas try to find theirs as soon as possible, since our emotions, reactions and everything is magnified more than the average werewolf.

I walk slowly into the little shack of her home. Everything is the same way I left it when I found her gone that morning. I sat on her bad and cried my heart out when I realized what actually happened. I closed the door as I made my way into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I have been moving out the old food and putting in some little things in case she comes back, but so far it is me when I cry myself asleep here and need something in the morning.

My legs moved towards her bed, where I could still smell her glorious scent, which I hopped became stronger when I could find her, or when she, hopefully, came back. I doubt that she would though because why leave to come back to a place she hates. While she was gone, I also asked around and found out some horrible things.

For one, Ashley used to be best friends before the incident happened, which I still need to discover the whole story from Amorita when she returns. I was appalled to find that out, imagine ditching your best friend in a time of need and turning into one of her worst bullies. I couldn't talk to her for months, eight to be exact. Every time I saw her, I remembered what she told me and imagined all the times where Amorita was bruised and beaten. I heard of people attacking this one girl, but when I asked they told me that she was a bitch and deserved it, which I allowed. If someone is out of line then they deserved to be punished.

It broke my heart when I found out that it was a bunch of bullshit they made up so that they wouldn't get into trouble. I forced everyone to come to a mandatory pack meeting and it was one of the longest we have ever held. I confronted everyone and used my Alpha tone to ensure that no one would dare cross me. I still remember the one comment that set me off on a rampage. Why do you care about her anyway? She is a useless piece of junk and we made sure to remind her of that each and everyday. I don't mean to be offensive, but an Alpha should worry about its pack and its mate, no scum that holds on when we all know that we didn't want her. She has always been the runt and since that incident she has been a disgrace to the pack and we all needed to punish her. She is a useless being and I can imagine everyone here agreeing that we wish she was dead. Hopefully she is now since she had the right mind to run off.

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