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*Bree's POV*
I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and started getting all of my things together for my flight to Vegas. The Awards were being hosted in Vegas again this year and my plane would arrive there at 7:30 a.m. The awards start at 8 but the carpet was at 7 pm. See for these events you usually have a date, and my date was Tyler. He had asked me during on of our dates and I couldn't say no. I wonder who Carey's date will be... This will be my first time seeing him in a month and I was so excited. I missed him so much and just seeing him will make me 100x happier. Once I had all my stuff together, I grabbed my car keys and phone, locking my apartment and jumping into my car. I was supposed to be picking up Ben and Andrea since its on my way to the airport. Our families were meeting us in Vegas. Once we arrived at the airport and did all of that airport stuff, it was 4:30 and our plane was leaving at 5. I quickly ran over to the nearest Starbucks to order a coffee and a chocolate chip biscuit. By the time I received my food and coffee it was 4:45 and I decided to start making my way to our gate.
We landed in Vegas at 7 and by the time we received all of our baggage and got to our hotel it was 7:30. Once I got to my room, I took a nap till 12:30. At about 1, I decided that I would go out for lunch with Ben, Andrea, and my parents. We decided on The Cheesecake Factory which surprisingly wasn't that busy. Once we were seated, I ordered a water and a nice chicken salad. After we were done eating, we ordered there famous cheesecake. After lunch, we went to the mall to kill time. I walked around with my mom and Andrea.
"So you and Tyler?" Andrea said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh gosh no. We are just friends." I told her.
"Well he doesn't think that." My mom chirped in.
"What are you guys talking about!?" I asked, clearly getting annoyed.
"Sweetheart he asked your father and I for permission to ask you to be his girlfriend..." My mom said.
"And what did you say?" I asked my mom.
"We told him that it was up to you two." She said.
"I think he's going to do it tonight B.." Andrea said with a sad expression.
"Oh gosh I need to tell him before that! I don't want to embarrass him when I say no..." I said.
"Why don't you give him a chance?" My mom asked.
"Because mom I don't like the idea of dating a teammate... I did it once and I never want to do it again..." I said remembering last time. After I said this, my mom and Andrea dropped the subject. We went through a few more stores when finally we decided to leave at around 3:45. We arrived at our hotel around 4 o'clock and that's when Andrea and I decided to start getting ready. Andrea called all the girlfriends and wives to tell them to meet us in my room to get ready. Once we were all here, I started doing my makeup. I went for a smokey eye with a neutral colour lip. Moving on to my long brown hair, I decided on loosely curling it. Once I was done with all my makeup and hair it was about 5:45 and that's when I decided to pull out my dress, shoes, and accessories. My dress was a long and black with blue ombré. I slipped on my diamond bracelet and diamond earrings that I received one year for my birthday. After that, I put on my black heels and grabbed my black mini clutch. It was 6 o'clock now and we waited for our dates.
*skip to red carpet*
Tyler and I walked down the carpet, stopping to take a few pictures here and there. In front of us were Ben and Andrea and behind was J.T and Lexi. We were nearing the end of the carpet when all of the sudden I see Carey. He looked so handsome in his suit... I so badly wanted to run up and smoother his face in kisses but I knew I couldn't. He was here with a girl and I was here with my date... I didn't think he would get over me that fast...
We were nearing the end of the award show and I've won the Bill Masterson and the Art Ross trophies. Carey has won three of his four trophies, beating Ben out for the Vezina. They were about to announce the Hart trophy winner and I was growing extremely nervous...
"And our nominees are... Alexander Ovechkin, from the Washington Capitals. Carey Price, from the Montreal Canadiens. Finally, Brianna Bishop, from the Tampa Bay Lightning." The announcer said.
"You got this sis." Ben whispered into my ear.
"You deserve this the most." Tyler told me.
"And your 2015 Hart Trophy winner is.... Carey Price of the Montreal Canadiens!" The announcer screamed. I look over to the big screen and see him hug his parents and his date. He made his way up to the stage to receive his award.
"Wow. Im running out of things to say!" He exclaimed, receiving a laugh from the crowd.
"No but seriously I am so grateful to be playing for such an amazing team and fan base. This award means everything to me. Thank you to my family again for making me stick with hockey, thank you to my teammates for being an amazing group of guys and friends. Also, thank you to someone who is very special to me... I know she's here tonight and I just wanted to tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me... So thank you to everyone whose made this dream possible!" He said walking off the stage. Who was he talking about? Was it me? Or was it that girl he's with tonight? I honestly didn't know.
Walking out of where the awards were being hosted, Tyler brought me over to an empty hallway.
"Brianna you know how much I like you so I was wondering if maybe you would want to be my girlfriend?" Tyler asked.
" I'm sorry Tyler but, no. I can't date a teammate after what happened in Arizona. You are a really cool guy and I don't wanna ruin our friendship... I hope you understand." I told him.
"Are you being serious?" He asked me.
"Um yea?" I asked somewhat confused. Right when I said that I was being pushed up against a wall.
"I thought you liked me!" He screamed in my face.
"I'm sorry!" I told him. Right then he forcefully put his lips on mine. "Tyler please stop." I said on the verge of tears.
"Hey let her go!!" I heard someone yell. As he got closer I saw that it was Carey...
"Oh look who it is.." Tyler said.
"Hey man I don't want any problems. Just leave her alone." Carey said, slowly approaching Tyler.
"No!" Tyler screamed in his face throwing a punch in his direction. Before Tyler's fist could collide with Carey's face, Carey swiftly moved out of the way.
"Oh you are such a...." Tyler was cut off by Carey's fist colliding with his mouth.
"Get away now." Carey said very sternly. Tyler gets up and runs the other way.
"Thank you so much." I said.
"It's no problem I was looking for you.." Carey said.
"Oh really? But what about your girlfriend?" I asked.
"She's not my girlfriend." He said while laughing. "That was my sister."
"Oh!" I said.
"Yea I just didn't want to go alone." There was an awkward silence up until Carey spoke up.
"Bree you know I love you. All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you! No I'm not asking you to marry me but what I'm asking is if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Carey asked me with hopeful eyes.
"But Carey... What if people find out?" I asked.
" I don't care! I love you Bree. So what do you say? You can come to Montreal with me for a few weeks and then I'll go back to Tampa with you for a few weeks and we can just alternate." He said trying to reach a compromise.
"Carey... I'd love to be your girlfriend." I said with a genuine smile. I was finally with the love of my life...

*Authors note*
this isn't the end but omg Carey and Brianna are finally together!!!! So what do you think is going to happen now? Comment below your guesses!😃

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