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*Brianna POV's*
I parked in the parking lot across from my hotel and told Carey I'll only be a few minutes. I quickly walked across the street to the hotel, opened the door, and made my way to the elevator. I clicked the button for the 15th floor and waited. The elevator doors opened and I went straight to my room. I fumbled around with the key for a little but finally got ahold of it and unlocked the doors. I opened the doors to be greeted by a majority of my team. How the hell would I sneak about this! I quickly went over to my bag and grabbed the outfit I had picked along with the shoes.(outfit above). The boys all gave me weird looks but I just shrugged them off and went to the bathroom to change. I was finished changing and took a quick glance in the mirror to check out my hair. Since I have naturally curly hair, I just grabbed a few bobby pins and pinned up my side bangs. I was ready to go! I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door but was stopped by Ben and Steven.
"Where do you think you are going?" Ben said.
"Uh out?" I said.
"Um no your not." Ben said once again.
"Yes, I am. I can handle myself Ben." I said, getting a little pissed off. See, since Ben is my older brother, he thinks he is in charge of me when we are on the road.
"Hey, I would listen to your brother. You don't know your way around Montreal and we are leaving tomorrow." Steven said.
"Actually, yes I do. My friend goes to school here and I always go to see her when we are in Montreal." I said. I wasn't lying though. One of my bestfriends actually goes to school here.
"Whatever. Be home by 12." Ben said, clearly defeated. I glanced over to the clock which read 9pm. There was no way I was coming back to the hotel.
"I'll think about it." I said, quickly running out of the door. I went into the elevator and made my way to the lobby. I smiled to the front desk lady and ran out of the doors to the busy streets of Montreal. I quickly crossed the road, to the parking lot and went to my car. I saw Carey in the driver seat, so I jumped into the passenger seat.
"Took you long enough." Carey said while laughing.
"Sorry, my brother and Steven were holding me up." I said looking towards Carey. We both knew this was a bad idea, but none of us wanted to admit it. I realized this and slowly looked at him. Was he using me? Was he only trying to secure a win for his team? Or did he genuinely care? I honestly didn't know...
"This is a bad idea..." I said unsure of his reaction.
"What do you mean?" He said.
"We are from different teams! We are going against each other in the playoffs Carey... If people find out, then we are both done for." I said on the verge of tears.
"Hey, I don't care. I like you, you're a cool girl. You're down to earth and plus you're a pretty badass hockey player. You could be on Boston and I would still like you! Now don't worry, okay?" He said, while whipping a single tear off my face.
"Okay." I said while smiling. "So you would even like me if I played for Boston?" I said while laughing.
"Okay, that would be a little hard, but I would manage." He said, while smiling his million dollar smile. We rode together in silence, up until he pulled over.
"What are you doing?" I said a little nervous.
"Put this on, okay?" He said, handing me a blind fold.
"Um okay?" I said while tying it around my head.
He quickly stared driving again. I could tell we were still in Montreal by all of the sounds of vehicles. I could tell we reached our destination when the car was put in park. He turned off the engine and jumped out of the car, closing his door. I felt the door open and Carey pull me out of the car. He guided me to a door and we went through. I was very confused as to where we were. He told me to stay here and not move at all. I heard what sounded like a million switches being turned on and was once again greeted by Carey. He picked me up and I let out a single giggle. He walked for a few minutes and put me down.
"Take off your blind fold." He said into my ear. Man this boy will be the end of me. I did what he said and opened my eyes. I was standing in the middle of the Bell Center. However, this time it was different. All around the boards, their was string lights and in the middle of the ice there was a blanket with the Habs logo. I looked over to him, laughing.
"Really?" I said gesturing over to the blanket.
"It's all we had!" He said while laughing.
"It's okay. You really didn't have to do all of this for me, you know that right?" I said while smiling. No boy has ever done anything like this for me.
"Yes I did." He said.
"And why is that?" I said.
"Because, you are special." He said. I smiled at this.
"So what do you have planned?" I asked.
"Well how about a little skate then whatever you want." He said while nodding his head towards a pair of skates on the bench.
"Sounds good!" I walked over to the benches and laced my skates. I waited for Carey to do the same. We went on the ice and did a few warm up laps. Just then, I had a brilliant idea...
"Raise ya?" I said with a smirk. I am one of the fasted on my team and I knew I would win.
"Sure." He said, with a smile. We went to the home bench and would raise all the way around the arena.
"Ready... Set... Go!" I screamed. I didn't realize how fast Carey actually was, so I quickened my pace. I ended up beating Carey! He tackled me to the ground and we just laid there. This was how we met. I am so glad I met a man like Carey. "So what now?" I said, getting up.
"Well, how about we go sit up in the bleachers, and just talk." He said. We skated over to the bench and untied our skates. We walked through the tunnel and over to the exit. Then we made our way to a set of chairs, fairly far from the ice.
"Who is going to put all of that away?" I asked.
"Probably maintenance. I told them I was taking someone here for a date." He said.
"Oh" I said.
"So I want to know, what drove the famous Brianna Bishop to play hockey?" He asked.
"Well it would probably be my love for the sport. My family loved hockey and so when Ben could walk they had him on skates. When I was born, the didn't even think about me playing. I would always go to Ben's games and I was completely jealous. I loved hockey, but I was a girl. My parents didn't like the idea of me getting hurt, so when I asked my mom she said I could do figure skating. I was so angry when she said that. I rebelled until I got to play. I told my parents that I would run away if they didn't let me play and sure enough they let me. I trained and trained until I got really good. Then I played juniors and then I was drafted and now I'm here." I said remembering the struggle to play the sport I loved.
"Wow, that's pretty cool! You're driven, which is amazing." Carey said, "Another question."
"Uh... Worst injury?" I asked.
"Probably last years playoffs when Kreider skated into me. That hurt pretty bad." He said. "What about you?"
"I've had a lot, but probably this year when we played Boston and Chara took me out. I blacked out and my face was bleeding, I was taken to the hospital and found out I had a pretty bad concussion. Couldn't play for 5 games." I said. I still hate Chara for that one but, now I know not to piss him off.
"I remember watching that on T.V. It was pretty bad." Carey said. We talked for a little while longer. I didn't realize it was 12 and so I figured that we should probably leave. Carey and I got up and made our way out of the arena. We got into the car and drove back to my hotel, making small talk here and there. I didn't really want to go back but I figured that I should. Our plan left for Tampa at 8 in the morning and I really needed sleep. We finally arrived to the hotel and I parked on the side. I looked over to Carey and saw that he was half asleep. I couldn't just leave him like this...
"Where do you live?" I asked. He gave me his address and I pulled out of my hotel parking lot. I made it to his house in 20 minutes and it was about 12:40.
"Thanks for the ride home." Carey said.
"You're welcome, now go get some sleep, you have a flight tomorrow." I said with a wink. He laughed and looked me dead in the eyes.
"I had a great time and I hope that this will lead into something great." He said while leaning in. Carey was going to kiss me... I closed my eyes and let it happen. This kiss was like none other... I felt everything... Fireworks, explosions, butterflies, and sparks. This kiss was amazing. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads together, our lips inches apart. I so badly wanted to kiss him again.
"I'll see you on the ice beautiful." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.
"See you then." I said with a shaky voice. What was happening to me? He leaned in one last time, planting his lips onto mine. The kiss wasn't as long as the first but, still had the same effects. We pulled away and said our goodbyes. I pulled out of his driveway and made my way to the hotel. It was now 1 in the morning and I knew Ben would be angry. I made it back to the hotel at 1:20 in the morning. I parked my car and walked into the lobby, going straight to the elevator. Once the elevator doors opened I made my way to my room at the end of the hall. I slid my key into the door and slowly but quietly opened the door. I realized there was no point when I saw Ben sitting on his bed waiting.
"What the hell took you so long!?"

*Authors note*
Sorry this chapter was so long! Hope you like it!!💕

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