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*Brianna's POV*
We just came off a win in Game 6 against the Detroit Red Wings and the team was buzzing! I scored the game winning shot and I was getting high fives left and right.
"Hey little B! Nice goal!" Said Stamkos.
"Hey thanks Captain!"
Of course since I am a girl and my team consists of all men, I have my own little locker room to change in. After I was done showering and changing I met up with Ben for the ride back to the hotel.
"Nice goal little sis, your down by one now!" Ben said while giving me a bear hug.
"Hey thanks, but do you think you could put me down... Remember, 6'7 v 5'9." I told Ben, struggling with my breath.
"Oh yea, sorry,"
The ride back was silent, not that we were mad at each other, it's just that after a big game we both prefer silence.. Once we got to the hotel, we met up with the rest of the team for a few drinks. We were definitely enjoying ourselves to say the least. At around 2 in the morning we decided to call it quits and get some rest for practice tomorrow. However, since Johnson and myself were the only sober ones we were in charge of getting everyone safely in their rooms. Once we were done with most of the team Tyler helped me with Big Ben and we said our goodnights and see ya tomorrow's. Then out of the blue my wasted brother murmured..
"Johnson likes youuuu" I definitely had nothing to say to that. Especially since the feelings were not very mutual...

Authors note
If you were wondering the girl in the picture above Is Brianna and she is 24 turning 25.. Just thought I should clear this up.

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