Friends with Benefits (22)

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"HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT." Was all I could say. I mean, you can say I was kinda in utter shock. No big deal. Oh wait, yeah, IT'S A PRETTY BIG DEAL.

It all adds up now: Jenni adjusting her bra and buttoning her jeans? And Jake coming down from upstairs shirtless? And the condom wrapper? Fuck. They just had sex.

"You, and, but, I, ahhhhhh" I pulled away from Jenni's hug before Jake can even reach us. "Nooooo no hug from the both of you" The thought is honestly just making me feel quite uncomfortable.

"Why not? Oh shit." Jake said from behind Jenni, almost slipping because of the wrapper. "Fuck. I thought you threw it away you idiot"

"Well this is just awkward isn't it?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my hands.

"When'd you come back? Why didn't you call us- I mean me? To pick you up? Are you here alon-" Jenni blurted out frantically.

I shook my head, "Don't change the subject missy. But no actually, I have another surprise for you" I winked at her then tilted my head slightly back to see Niall coming up from the trail and towards the house. I smiled at him and he flicked his head once to know I saw him.

"SHIT. Is it my mom?"

"The fuck? No! Come here," I gestured Niall to walk quicker and come towards us "3, 2, 1"

It was possibly one of THE most inhumane sound that I have ever heard come out of Jenni before. The moment she laid eyes on Niall, her face turned red, hands flailing all over the place, and tripped, falling flat on her face when she was going to give Niall a hug.

Niall took a step back from the impact, "I thought you've seen me already!"

She was basically molesting his face, while having a few tears come out of her eyes. She sobbed, "You're here. Niall fucking Horan of One fucking Direction is here. Holy fuck. Fuck. I am definitely dreaming now. I'm touching your Irish face. Irish hair. Irish cheeks. Irish shirt. Irish-"

"Jenni! Stop molesting my damn boyfriend! You've seen him before! Why the hell are you so excited? I counted down because I knew you would be excited, but not to this extent! Calm yo tits!" I laughed.

"It's just not the same! He's like here! Like I'm like breathing the same air as Niall. I can't. I just- I can't" Jenni said as Niall chuckled.

I sighed in disbelief, "You have issues. You were 'breathing' the same air as them when we went to the meet and greet last month. Whatever. Can we come in? It's freakin two degrees out! Like seriously, can we come in so you can all have a proper introduction and conversation?" Jenni nodded to let us in. "And you, Jake, put on a damn shirt" I moaned grossly.

He laughed, "You've seem me nearly naked before. Okay okay, will do!" And disappeared up the stairs while we entered the house.

We walked towards the living room and when we were just about to sit down on the couch, "Did you guys, uhhh.... Do stuff on here?" I pointed to the seat right below my butt.

Jenni shot me a mischievous smile, "I dunno."

"Fuck, Niall don't sit down. I'm feeling VERY uncomfortable" I exclaimed, pulling Niall on the arm a split second before he sat down.

He looked at me confused, "Why's that?"

"I don't know. Uhm, maybe it's the fact that my best friend fucking had sex with my other best friend?!" I looked sternly at Jenni.

"Oh god! Did they tell you?"

"What do you think? If they did, I probably wouldn't be reacting this much, soooo. But even if they told me, I think I'd still be a tad grossed out" I playfully shivered. Niall gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me more relaxed. "Ehh, let's go sit on the stools over there. I'm sure they didn't fuck their heads off on there!"

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