This Story Is Not Meant to Disrespect Kierra

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I don't know if you guys know but my main character Kierra, is a famous gospel singer. Her father is the pastor of a major church in Detroit and her mother is one of the sisters of the legendary group the clark Sisters.

Meaning her family is huge in the Christian community.

With that being said, I never in a million years thought someone who goes to her father's church and sees her every Sunday would be reading this.

I'm honored and I'm also embarrassed. 😩

I want to make it extremely clear the character I am portraying name is kierra but I am in no way portraying the gospel singer kierra. Which is why she's not a singer in here.

It's simply a made up character, and I'm only using Kierra's face because I think she is a gorgeous thick woman and of course you guys know that's my genre. And I love to uplift plus size women.

Please, please don't think I'm saying Ki acts like the real Kierra. I don't know her personally. I just know she's one of my fashion icons.

Ki in this book is totally different person. Don't get that confused please.

Now excuse me as I go pray and repent.

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