Chapter 23

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Clarke POV.
After me and Bellamy picked up some stuff in my room we drove to Lincoln's house. Because we should pick up Octavia there. Bellamy really hate that Octavia use to sleep over at Lincoln's house. Octavia had talked to Lincoln about if he want to move in with us. He hadn't decide yet. Both me and Octavia had been shocked when Bellamy let Lincolln move with us. He promised that he would give Octavia an answer today. Witch I hope he does. Octavia would be so happy. Bellamy and I are going to share a bedroom together in the new house. Octavia aren't aloud to share her bedroom with Lincoln. Bellamu doesn't aloud her to do that. She Always get so angry and start yelling at Bellamy. She even starts to yelling at me because I don't try to convince Bellamy that she can share a room. I can understand that she gets angry. 
When we drove into Lincoln's driveway, Octavia came running out of the house when she saw us. I Went out off we car and she jumped into Bellamy's arms and hugged him. 
-O, what is it? I asked
-I'm so happy.
-For what? Bellamy asked and were a Little confused
-He said yes. He is going to move in with us.
-Aren't you happy for me Bell?
-Of course I am. He said and smirk
We all drove to the house. We were just going to look at it and talk about it when we come home later if this is the house we are going to take. When we finally were at the house, Octavia jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Lincoln jogged after her. Bellamy lift me out of the car and we walked inside. The house were amazing. The first step that I took inside the house made me fall in love with it. This is the right house. It had Three levels, five bedrooms and one master bedroom. The masterbedroom were on the third level. Me and Bellamy was going to take the master bedroom. Octavia and Lincoln took two rooms. The rooms where besides each other. I know that even if the have one room for each other, the are going to sleep in the same. Even if Bellamy are going to hate it.
-Omg Bell, this house is perfect. How did you find this house?
-Because Lincon are going to move in with us and you are pregnant, we need a bigger house. And I remember that you said that you wanted a big house. Our Little baby girl are going to have much space to grow up in.
-Thank you so much. You are seriously the best boyfriend.
-Your the best girlfriend. Bellamy said and kissed me
-Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital because I'm going to take a ultrasound. I want to know if it's a girl or a boy. Can you follow me to the doctors?
-Of course I can.
-Thanks Bell. I would really want a baby Bellamy.
-I want a baby princess and a mommy princess. Bellamy said and kissed my forehead
-I know.
-But as long as the baby is healthy and happy, it doesn't made if it's a boy or girl.
-I agree. Octavia said and come running to us. She seems really happy.
-I love this house Bell. You are the best. Love you big brother. And I'm going with you to the doctors tomorrow if that's okay? I'm coming even if you don't want to.
-You can come. Bellamy said.
-And I agree with Bellamy. I want to have a Little princess niece. Bell, shall we show her now?
-Show me what? I asked confused.
-We have a surprise for you princess. Bellamy said and looked really happy.
-You know that I hate surprised
-You are going to love this one. Octavia said
-Bellamy, do you know what this is about? I asked
-Yes, it's actually O's idea.
-Shut up now and follow me now. Octavia said and dragged me and Bellamy up to the third level. Octavia stoped outside the master bedroom. Bellamy opened the door to the our room. When I stept in, my jaw droped. This is the best surprise that someone ever got me.

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