Chapter 8

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Clarke POV.
Yesterday I was out with Bellamy. We were just "hanging out". But I'm not so sure if we were just doing that. Maybe it was a  date? No, it can't been a date. But it would be really awkward if I asked him. We really had a good time together. I'm still thinking about what Octavia told me. I'm might have feelings for him. I like him. And he like me. Well, Octavia said that he told her that he like me. I can't Think about that right now. Today was my birthday. I have Always celebrate it just with my family. They just baked a cake and gaved me one present. I don't want to make it to a such big deal. At least nobody want to celebrate my birthday, except my family.
I was in the bathroom to make me ready for school. My parents hasn't called me yet and said "happy birthday". But that's okay with me. I could hear that Octavia was awak now. I brushed my teeth and Went out off the bathroom. I looked at Octavia, she was looking at my phone and smiling.
-Clarke, why haven't you....
-Leave it alone O! I yelled. Grabbing my bag and phone. I ran put of the room and smashed the door behind me. This year they didn't call, they jusst text "happy bithday sweetie". I answered their text. Now, Octavia know about it. And I know Octavia and if she is smart enough she won't make a big deal about it because I ran out and smashed the door. If I hadn't done that she probably would throw a party for me. I drove to a Little coffee Place Before school. I was going to meet Miller there. I saw him and walked to him.
-Hello there birthday girl. He said and hugged me. I gaved me a Little box.
-Hey, what is this? You know that you didn't need to give me something. I said soft and smile
-I know, but open it now.
-It's Beautiful. Thank you so much! I said and hugged him. It was a necklace with a star and a "C".
-Do you like it?
-I love it. I said with joy in my voice.

*Later this afternoon*
I Went back to my room after all the Days classes. It has been a long day, All the classes were so boring. I'm happy that Octavia hasn't said anything about what day it's today. I opened the door and Went inside. She layed on the bed and made her homework. I looked over at my bed. Omg, it's Jack! I hate him so much. He is totally the worst person I ever meet in my Life.
-Hey Clarke. Nice to meet you again. He said and smirked
-Jack. What are you doing here?
-Visiting you so that we can celebrate your birtday. He said and smirked again
-Octavia Blake! Why did you let this guy in?
-He said that he is a friend to you from your hometown.
-Don't you remember Octavia? I have no friends in my hometown. He is seriously the worst person I ever meet. And I mean it.
-Why? Both Jack and Octavia said at the same time
-Shut up Jack! You know. I yelled
Somebody opened the door and come in. I seriously didn't care about who it is right now. I am to upset right now. Why did Jack even come here?
-Seriously Jack? Why did you come here?
-I told you, I want to celebrate you birthday. And who is that? He looked at Bellamy.
-That's one of my friends
-I thought that Clarke Griffin hadn't any friends.
-Get the fuck out off here! Or I will help you with it! I yelled
-I won't leave. I Think that you need to help me princess. He said and laugh
-GWT OUT NOW JACK! I Went toward JAck, grabed both his wrist Before he even could move. I grabbed his wrists really hard. I pushed him against the wall. I'm so angry right now.
-You are going to leave now or I will do it again. I yelled. Why did I just said the last part out loud so that both Bellamy and Octavia could hear it?
-Do what? Octavia said shocked
-Tell them. The story isn't so bad.
He is getting me on my nerves. I pushed him against the wall again. Kicked him Three times in his stomach and slaped him in the face one time.
-Please Jack! Don't do it! Don't bring the past up again. Please don't. I said and fell down to the ground. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks now. I can't handle it again. I don't know what is happening to me right now. I stood up again and kicked both his knees so that he fall down on the ground. I kicked and punched him so many times, and I slaped his face a couple times. Until I could see blood on his face. No Clarke! Don't do it again! A voice said in my head. I felt someones hands on my shoulder and tried to pull me away from Jack! The one that had grabbed me let go of me and grabbed me harder again. I couldn't move. This is so unfair I thought. But in someway, I know that it's not. I know that it's wrong of mw doing that. I looked up at the one that was holding me so hard that I couldn't move. Of course it was Bellamy. He let go of me and sat down on the egde of Octavia's bed beside her.
-Clarke, what are you doing? This isn't the Clarke I know. Bellamy said both shocked and scared
-He fucking deserve it. He deserve it so damn much. He has done worst things to me than this and what you ever can understand Bellamy! I yelled.
-What are you talkingabout Clarke? Bellamy said really low,
-Please let go. Let me be alone. I'm just trouble. You deserve somebody better than me Bellamy. I said and kicked Jack one last time.
-You destroyed my birtday, you destroyed me. You can't even respect me to feel happiness and be happy for one.
Somebody opened the door again, and in come Miller.
-Why did you do this Clarke? Was the only thing Miller said.
-He deserve it! For what happened to..... I fell down on the floor. Don't bring it up Clarke. I started to cry. Tears just streamed down on my cheeks. I looked up and Miller forced Jack out of the room. Thank god! Miller lift me up from the floor and sat me down on my bed.
-I can't handle it anymore Miller! I just can't. I said and more tears streamed down on my cheeks.
-Yes, Clarke. You can. You have done it Before.
-I can't Control myself.
-That's not true.
-Bellamy and Octavia are going to stay away from me now, if they know the truth. I whispered so only Miller could hear.
-I will talk to tthem Clarke
-Be brave and stay strong Clarke. Everything is going to be okay.

Miller's  POV.
When I came to Clarke and Octavia's room, both Jack and Bellamy were where. I know with just one look what was going to happen next. I stoped her Before she could bring up the past. Now I need to tall Bellamy and Octavia so that they can understand Everything and stay by her side. If something like this happens and I'm not there, something really bad could happen. Clarke had fall asleep. I need to talk to them now when Clarke didn't hear. It's so hard for her to talk about it.
-Hey guys. You maybe want to lnow the truth about this about what happned. It's about the past.
-What do you mean by the past? Bellamy asked worried
-It's about Clarke.
-Yeah, I understood that.
-Clarke has told you about that she got bullied Before she came here. I know she told you about that. At least she told you Octavia. Five years ago she was the most happiest girl in the World. She Always laugh and smiled. She was Always so fun. She had so many friends. She was actually one of the schools most popular Girls. Boys Always wanted to be around her. They Always fight over Clarke and her friends. Clarke was Always so over protective for one girl maned Charlotte. Charlotte was four years younger than Clarke. She was even more over protect than you are Bellamy. One day, Clarke, Charlotte and her parents were going to camping. They collided with a car. Both her parents got in coma. Clarke felt that she needed to protect Charlotte even more now that Before. After the doctors told Clarke about her parents, she asked there Charlotte was. They said that Charlotte was gone. But she wasn't dead. She was somewhere else, and nobody knows where. Clarke was so scared and wonderes there she could be. Clarke was alone. She stayed at my familys house until her parents woke up from the coma. Both of them woke up after two month. Charlotte were still missing. A year later they find Charlotte. She was in Jack's house. Charlottte were dead. The doctors looked at the body and relized that she had been dead for a couple month now.
After I told Octavia and Bellamy about this it was just one piece of truth that they didn't know. I could see in their faces that they were shocked and sad.
-After a while, Jack admit that he was one of a couple other guys that killed her. After that, Clarke wasn't herself. She started to drink and she was Always drunk. We all did Everything we could to make her stop. But nothing worked. One day she came home. She just had decided that she should  stop. Because Charlotte wouldn't want her to do that. When she stoped drinking and go to parties all the time, her friends started to bulling her. They stoped hanging out with her. Special Jack was the one that bullied her. One day she was done being bullied. So she attacked Jack. She couldn't Control herself. He got so hurt that he needed to go to the hospital, we was there for a couple Days. Clarke got thrown out of school. That was actually the first year at college. That's why she came here. To get a new and fresh start. Forget the past home.
-What? Was the only thing that came out of Octavia's month
-Whis exactly is Charlotte? Bellamy asked
-Charlotte was Clarke's younger sister. My younger half cousin. I could feel my Eyes get wet. I don't want to cry infront of them. Even if this is something really hard to talk about.
-And Bellamy, please take care of her. Now when you guys know the truth you might not Think thhat she is the one you thought that she is. She isn't going to hurt anyone. She is really trying to Control herself. She needs somebody by her side that understand her and won't leave. So please don't hurt her Bellamy. She can't get her Heard broken again, after what happened to Charlotte. I said
I can't handle this anymore so I just turned around and walked away. I really hope that Clarke will ge  okay and not start to drink again. I text Abby and Jake, her parents what just happened. They need to know if something else happens.

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