Chapter 20

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Clarke POV.
This had been a really weird morning. Yesterday I was going to move home, but Bellamy made me stay. This morning I beat up a few Girls in my student house. Just becase they called me a slut. That makes me so angry and sad. I'm tierd of being called that. That all the Girls calls me that. And when me and Bellamy woke up, both Octavia and Lincoln where were. Octavia wanted to know if we still was fighting and avoid each other, well if Bellamy avoided me. Or of we were together again.
Me and Bellamy had just taken a really long shower together. I know that we are on really good terms again, and I'm happy because off that. When I Went out of the bathroom, I Went to my closet and choosed a dark blue bra with lace on it and matching panties. I wasn't finished to pick some clothes because Bellamy came into the room and started to staring at me.
-What? I said and smirk
-Nothing Beautiful. He said and wrapped his arms around me, kissed my neck. He lift me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Then he layed me down on the bed. He started to kiss me for a while, after that he stoped and start to tickling me.
-Stop it! It's not funny. I laugh
-Really? Because you are laughing he said and smirk
-You know, I prefer that you kiss me instand of tickling me. I said and tried to stand up. But as usual, he is much stronger. He pushed me down on the bed again  and kissed me instand of tickling me.
-Bell, I want to move. I said out loud without thinking. He froze and looked confused
-But....I just got you back. He said and looked hurt
-No no, I don't mean like that. I want to move away from this stupid student house with all the bitches and whores. And it would be fun if Octavia moved with us. She is the only normal girl in this student house.
-What is it? Tell me!
-You said "with us"
-Yeah? Don't you want that? We are girlfriend and  boyfriend and I'm pregnant with your child. And it would be easier for us if we lived together. And I want to do it special because I love you Bell.
-You mean future husband? Bellamy said and smirked
-Haha, very funny. I said that once. And that was this morning. I said and smiled
-I would love to move into a house with you princess. Bellamy said and kissed my forehead.
-Sounds Lovely.
-Yeah Bell?
-I can't actually belive that I'm saying this but if Octavia are moving in with us, if she want to. But I'm 100 procent sure that she want to, maybe we would ask Lincoln to move in?
-Really? I said shocked. I never thought that Bellamy Blake would suggest something like that.
-Yeah, Octavia would be so happy.
-You right. We can talk to her later in school.

*In the school*
I see Octavia standing next to her locker talking to Monty and Jasper. I decide that I should ask her right now.
-Hey O, Monty and Jasper
-Hey Clarke. Jasper and Monty said and hugged me. The had become one of my best friends. Bellamy know that and wasn't jealous when we hugged. If he would see me hug Another guy, he would probably beat him up. But I would never do that.
-So O, I need to talk to you right now. It's kinda importent.
-Has Bellamy done something stupid again? If he has, I'm going to kill him this time. Octavia said annoyed and a little angry.
-No, you remember this morning?
-So I just want to say that I'll move and.....
-No Clarke! You can't! I'm going to kill him now. She yelled
-No Octavia. It's nothing like that. Me and Bellamy are going to move together. We will still go to this school and Everything. But the importent thing here that I'm going to ask, do you want to move with us? And Bell said if you.....
-Of course I want! Octavia said and hugged me so hard that I almost couldn't breath
-O, take it easy. Bellamy said harsh
-Oh, I didn't thought about...
-Octavia! Bellamy said
-You haven't told them? They are our best friends. Octavia said and pointed at Monty and Jasper and looked at the same time annoyed
-No, I haven't. I never had the time to tell them. I said and looked at Bellamy with tears in my eyes.
-Told us what? Monty and Jasper asked at the same time
-Guys, I kinda hide it under all the hoodies that I'm Always wearing. But almost the whole school knows about it now. I'm surprised that you don't know. I said. Both Monty and Jasper looked confused.
-Clarke is pregnant. Bellamy said and kissed my lips.
-So that's why you haven't been in the school? Monty asked
-No! I said harsh and felt tears on my cheeks.
I don't want to Think about the whole week that I Went trough without Bellamy. It's hard to Think about it. I turned around and ran to the bathroom. I looked over my shoulder and see Octavia running after me. She is trying to stop me. I ran into one of the toilets and lock the door. Octavia is standing outside the toilet in the Girls bathroom and talks to me. I'm quiet for five minutes and after that I unlock the door. Octavia came inside and locked the door again. Nobody need to see me like this.
-Clarke, try not to Think about this weekend that you Went through.
-O, it's hard. Okay? I Went through a living hell. Knowing that Bellamy might wouldn't come back just because my pregnancy.
-I know Clarke. But you future husband came back to you because he loves you and you love him.
-When are you going stop teasing me about that? That I called Bellamy my future husband?
-I don't know. But he loves teasing you about it.
-Yeah. I know. I said and smiled
We could hear Girls laughing outside the toilet. They probably Heard Everything. It's Roma and her friends. I know it! Me and Octavia Went out from the toilet. I looked at Roma with anger.
-Clarke, how are you feeling? Should I help you with something? Roma said and laugh
-No thanks, I'm fine.
-So, Bellamy are probably going to leave you and that little baby after it's born. Because he deserves better than you. Your slut! Roma said and smirked
-I told you that you are going to regret it. I yelled. I got so angry, I slapped Roma's face and pushed her out off the Girls bathroom. Roma fell out and hit her head. Now we were in the coridors in the school. People looked at us really shocked. Bellamy, Monty and Jasper ran over to me and Octavia. They stood beside Octavia. I looked at them. Monty and Jasper was surprised but Bellamy was smiling. I know that he loves this side off me. I lift up Roma and pushed her against the looker. I kicked the side of her body, gace and stomach. This felt so good. I felt so alive.
-You will never call me that again. I warned you again and you will regret it. I can beat you up everytime you call me that. I'm not afraid of you. I yelled. More people came and looked at us. One of Roma's friends came beside me and tried to push me away from her. So I throw Roma to the ground and kicked the other girl in her stomach. I smiled and kicked her again.
-Clarke, you can still beat me up how many times you want, but you are still the schools biggest slut. I know that Bellamy wasn't the one that took your virginity. But he made you pregnant. She said and laugh
-You don't know anything about that. I yelled. I know that Octavia and Bellamy wasn't the ones that started the romur. The guys at Bellamy's student house did. I hate this shit! I throw her to the ground and kicked her a couple times.
-What about Jack? Roma said and laugh. Everybody looked really confused. Even Octavia. I haven't told her the story. The only one who knows is Bellamy. No Bellamy can't be the one that told her. But who did? I looked over at Bellamy and he looked confused now, because I'm looking at him with a Death glare. I walk over to him and push him against the looker
-WTF Clarke? Of course I didn't. Why would I? He said and looked hurt.
-Because you are the only one I told, the only one that knows about it in this school. I yelled
I could feel somebodys hand on my shoulder. I thought that it was Roma's so I turned around and kicked her. No fuck! That was the principal. I just kicked the principal in the side of his body. I'm in so much trouble now.
-Miss Griffin, I think it's best if you are following with us. I saw some other teacher behind us. They force me into a room.
-LET ME GO! I yelled. All that I could see before the closed the door was students and the looked  a little scared. And I could hear Roma yell  "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST SLUT HERE CLARKE". I sat down on a chair and tried to calm myself.
-Clarke Griffin, what is going on with you. You are skipping classes, fighting with Roma and her friends a couple times .The principal asked harsh
-You wouldn't even understand!
-Tell us or you can be expelled. Well, you can be expelled even if you tell us the story. But we are going to talk about your consequences.
-Fine, Roma is making my life a living hell.
-Tell us the whole story.
I tell them the whole story and the looked a little shocked. After that I told them about Everything they let me go. I walked away and was really upset. I walked into the classroom and everybody looked at me. I can tell that they were a little scared. I gaved them a Death glare. Then I see Bellamy sitting back in the corner. I can see that he isn't happy. This isn't going to be good. He must be really dissappointed at me. I sat down beside him, but he just ignore me. I can understand that. I really hurt him by thinking for one second that he told Roma everything about Jack. What have I done? He probably hates me. He ignore me the whole lesson. i can hear the bell ring and everybody walks out of the classroom. I look at Bellamy, but he still doesn't look at me. So I make a move to leave. But he grab my arm really hard. It hurts!
-Bell, it hurts.
-Clarke, we need to talk about this now! He said harsh
-Okay, you probably hate me now for thinking for just one second that you were the one that told Roma about what Jack did to me. I love you and I know that you didn't told her, because you wouldn't hurt me like that. So now you probably going to say that we are going to break up or "we can still be friends" speech. I said, I can now feel my eyes get filled with tears. I'm an idoit. Now, the whole school thinks that I am a slut. But I know that I'm not a slut.
-Clarke listen to me now. I don't hate you. I just got hurt when you thought that I was the one that told Roma. But I understand you. I truly don't know where she gets all her information from. And you need to remember, I will always love you Clarke Griffin. I'm in love with you.
-I'm in love with you to Bellamy Blake. I said. I could now feel his lips pressed against mine. I thought that I might never would have a chance to kiss him again.

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