Chapter 3

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Bellamy POV.
Me and my crew Went to an awesome party at Murphy's house. We do that every friday night. That's our thing. Octavia Always want to come to these parties but I don't aloud her to do that. That is because she is my responisbility and I don't want anything bad happening to her. If something happens to her, I feel like that would be my fault, because I'm not there when it happens. When Octavia started at this college, my mother gaved me the responsibility over her. I started this college one year earlier than Octavia.
Me and the rest of the crew Went into the living room, there all the Girls and boys are. We are Always looking for the prettiest Girls that we can hook up just for the night. We Always drink Before we hook up with someone. I Went into the kitchen to take some water. I turned around and saw Clarke. She was really hot.
-Hey princess. I said and smirked
-Bellamy. Was the only thing she said.
What are you doing here? I thought that you don't like to be at parties. I said and smirked
-Why do you care?
-I really don't care.
She turned around and walked into the living room. It seems like she hasn't been drinking. Or she could totally handle the drinking. After drinking some water I Went into the living room. I saw that Clarke hugged Miller. Why does that bother me so damn much? It shouldn't bother me. She is just some girl. Well, she is Octavia's best friend.
I walked into the living room and grabbed Miller's neck. Why am I doing this? I dragged him into the kitchen. Clarke was following us. I can't be upset over this? What am I doing right now? This isn't me, attacking one of my friends just because they are hugging some girl. Some people call me a monster. And I really don't want Clarke to see me as one. This makes me confused.
-Bellamy Blake, stop it right now! some girl yelled at me. Clarke.
I didn't stop. Instand I pushed Miller against the wall. Kicked him like four or five times in the side of his body. After that I slaped him one time in the face.
-What have he done to you? Aren't you two friends? Let him go! She yelled
I listen to Clarke and let Miller go. I obeyed her. How? Why? She isn't special. She is just Clarke Griffin. Only one girl. Not special in anyway. Right? After I let go off Miller's neck. I Went straight out off the house. I smashed the backdoor. Fuck it! Fuck this! What happened right in there? What did I just do? I Heard the backdoor open. I need to Think. I can't have another outbrust, I just can't have it. Not now, I felt somebody grabbing one of my wrists and slaped me. I looked down on the person. Oh no, not Clarke right now.
-What? I groan
-What was that? Why did you do that to Miller? You have been a such jackass all this time. She said loud and with anger in her voice.
-Why did you slap me? I asked
-What do you Think? You can't just go around and attack somebody whenever you want. Special not Miller! She yelled
-Why not Miller? I yelled
-Because he is my older half cousin. She yelled
-You Heard me Bellamy! He is my older half cousin. Try to behave yourself next time you are near Miller and me, or any other person.
Clarke turned around and Went to the street. I saw a car coming. It looks like Octavia is in that car. Clarke jumped into the car. I looked at the person that looked exactly like Octavia. Wait, it is her. What are she doing in that car with that guy? I ran to the car. Before I even could jump into the car it was gone...

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