Chapter 7

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Octavia POV.
I have been awake the whole time, until Clarke come home. I know that she told me that I didn't need to. But I want to know every detail. Not tomorrow. Clarke closed the door when she came inside and leand against it. She was blushing. She had closed her eyes. She was like in Another World at the moment. It looked like she was dreaming or something like that. At first she didn't respond when I tried talking to her. So I shaked her a Little. She still didn't respond. So I shaked her a Little more and harder.
-Earth to Clarke. Clarke are you even alive? What happened? Did you guys have fun? Tell me everything, every deatil. At least many details. I want to know. I said. Clarke opened her Eyes and Went straight to her bed. She layed down and started to talk.
-Bellamy took me to this Amazing resturant. I can tell that he was really nervous. The food tasted really good. Bellamy said that he was worried that I shouldn't like it. I loved that Place. He didn't liked when I was teasing him. Still I enjoyed it. I mean to tease him. And Everything else. It was really fun. And he told me that I was the second girl he ever taken to that Place. He said thhat I blushed so now I'm Clarke Jealous Griffin. After a few second he told me that you were the first girl he took to this amazing resturant, because you were new in this city and it was your first day here. Meanwhile we waited for the food to come, we talked. I can't belive that I'm saying this, but your brother is pretty easy talking to. He actually listen to Everything I said.But when we ate our food, we didn't taked at all. That was a Little awkward. After that we sat and talked a Little more. He payed the bill, he didn't want me to do that. And he drove me back here. When I jumped out of the car, he did the same and followed me back here to our room. We didn't say anything. He just leaned in and kissed me gentle again, And this time I walked away, Well, not exactly walked away. I just opened the door and walked in here. I told Octavia.
-OMG, Clarke! He like you. Bellamy likes his princess. Don't you see that? If you don't see that he likes you. You are blind. You guys like each other. At least he likes you. And if you didn't like him, you wouldn't let Bellamy Blake kiss you. I really need to have a talk with Bell.
-O, take it easy. There is no way that he likes me. Guys don't like me. And they won't. Never.
-You are so wrong. Go and sleep now, and Think about what I said. He likes you Clarke. To be honest, he actually told me that once. Not long ago.
-He did? Clarke said with a low voice.
-Yeah, Clarke. He did. Now I'm going to sleep so good night. And don't to forget what I told you. Think about it.
-Good night O.
I Went to bed and started to Think about what I just told Clarke. Bellamy are going to be mad at me and Clarke is going to be Heartbroken. Bellamy never told me that he likes Clarke. But it's true, I can see in the way that they look at each other that they like each other. Clarke Always gets a jealous face when she see Bellamy talking to Another girl. And everytime some guy are going to talk to Clarke, Bellamy is faster and the first oe to be beside Clarke, so that the other guys don't have a chance to talk to her. He is so jealous. If Clarke ask Bellamy if it's true that he likes her, he might say something stupid. Because he haven't admit for himself yet that he like Clarke. Bellamy is going to angry at me then, because he knows that I told Clarke that. What have I actuallt done now? Maybe it will work out, or it won't. They might end up hating each other, and that would be my fault. Or if Everything goes right, they will end up together.
I fell asleep, I need to fix this if they don't do that by themself.

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