Chapter 21

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Bellamy POV.
After school me and Clarke Went home to my student house. Because Clarke didn't want to be in her student house or even sleep in her own room anymore. She felt so lonely there. Even if she had Octavia there with her.
Miller was out with some friends, so me and Clarke had the whole place for ourself. Miller know now that I am the one that made Clarke pregnant. He was really angry at me at the beginning. But he has starts to accept it. It takes baby steps for him to accept it. I really love every second that I can spend with Clarke. Even if we fight and yelling at each other sometimes. I looked up the door to my room and Clarke walked in and throw her bag to the corner. After she did that she jumped into the bed. My bed was so much bigger than Clarke's.
-Bell, I have thought about one thing.
-What? I said and layed down beside her.
-I want to move as fast as possible. If it takes to long, I'm going to live in here until we move. And Miller shares this room with you. If we move soon, you can have me totally for yourself. Clarke said and smiled
-I love the idea. I said and gaved her a kiss on her cheek
-I have found this Amazing house that I love. I can show you now? I have a Picture of it. Clarke said and smirked
-Not now. I want to have some fun right now. I said 
-Yeah, sounds good. Btw, can you follow me to the mall tomorrow? I need to buy a new dress that I can wear. We all goes out the second year at college.  
-Are you seriously want my opinion? I said and smirked
-Yes Bell, I want your opinion. But If you don't want to, I can ask somebody else. I tease
-No way that somebody else are following you to the mall. I'm coming with you. But it's friday and I want to have some fun. I said and started to tickling her. She hates when I tickle her. But I love to tease her.
-Stop it Bell. Not again. Like I said Before. I prefer you kissing me. She said meanwhile she laugh.
-No way that I'm going to stop. I said and smirk
-When are we going to look for a house?
-Tomorrow princess. But I have change my mind. I will stop tickling you
-Thanks Bell. She said and started to kiss me instand of me tickling her.

Clarke POV.
I woke up in Bellamy's arms as usual. I was still really tierd, but I couldn't fall asleep again. Today we are going to the mall so that I can buy a dress. The dress needs to be one size bigger because my baby bump is growing. I kissed Bellamy's cheek and Went into his bathroom so that I can take a shower. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body. I should put some clothes on me, but I haven't any clean with me. I had a Little panic. We were in Bellamy's student house and I never use to take clothes with me, because I never sleep here. We Always do that in my room. I decided to text Octavia so that she could give me some clothes. Bellamy's and my student house were like 10 minutes frim each other. Octavia answered my text almost the same time I send my.

*15 minutes later*
I Heard somebody knock on the door to the bathroom. I opened the door and it was Octavia. Thank god! I'm guessing that she ran all the way here. Because she was totally out off breath. Octavia is a life saver. I think that Bellamy is still asleep. Because he always use to throw out Octavia from his room. OMG! Octavia forgot a t-shirt. Now I just had a bra, panties and skinny jeans. I can't go like this to the mall. I Went out of the bathroom and looked at Octavia.
-O, you forgott a t-shirt!
-Oh, I did? She smirked
-You did this on purpose. Didn't you?
-Maybe, maybe not. She said and smirk
-Thanks so much. I started to look in Bellamy's wardrobe after a t-shirt that would fit me. Nothing looked good on me. So I took one black t-shirt. That's better than nothing.
-Looking good.
-Shut up O! I smirked
-What are you guys doing today?
-We are going to the mall. It was Bellamy's idea. I said
-Bellamy's idea? Are you serious?
-Of course I'm not serious. He is going to the mall with me so that I can buy a new dress.
-You mean that you are going to find a dress and he is going to buy it? That's how me and Lincoln does.
-Seriously? No, I'm paying for my own clothes.
-But seriously, you don't want to go to the mall with Bellamy.
-Why not?
-Because he is a pain in the ass when you are going to shop with him. He Always says that something looks good when it's awful. And Everything you try is good. According to Bellamy, because he hates shopping.
-I Heard that. Bellamy said with a sleepy voice
-Sorry big brother. Good luck today Clarke. Enjoy your shopping trip with Bellamy.
-Bye O.
-Good morning princess.
-Good morning Bell. You haven't forgot that we are going to the mall today? I said and kissed him.
-Must we really do that?
-Yeah, if you don't want to, I can go with someone else.
-You are so annoying. Bellamy said and throw a pillow at me.
-Sure, an annoying princess? I said and smirked
-You are my annoying princess. He said and kissed me
-Come on we need to go soon Bell. I said and kissed him back
-Fine. Btw, where did you find that t-shirt? I think that I have one that looks the same. Bellamy said and smirk
-Don't I look good in it?
-Yes you do.
-Thank you Bell. I said

A/N: Hey guys, I really hope that you like the story so far. Comment below and vote if you want. It would mean a lot!

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