Chapter 16

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Clarke POV
Four weeks has now gone sence I told Bellamy that I love him. He hasn't told me that he loves me yet. We are now officially dating. Two weeks ago, we actually went on our first date. Octavia was so happy now, because now she doesn't need to be so annoyed, just because me and Bellamy doesn't hide our feelings. The whole school knows that we are dating. All the Girls are looking at me with a death glare. But I don't really care about them. 
Today I felt pretty bad, so I skipped all my classes. That's not like me usually. Octavia were really worried about me. But I haven't told Bellamy yet that I'm skipping classes just because I'm not feeling good. If I did, he would be skipping all his classes to. Even if I wanted him to be here.
When Octavia Went to school I ate my brreakfast and after that I Went to a store, so that I could bought a pregnancy test. I haven't used it yet. I'm so scared about what it says. But I really need to do it Before she comes home. If I am pregnant, that means that Bellamy is the father of my Child, or Children. Me and Bellamy were so careful with it. I'm not so sure if I'm ready to be a mother, I mean if I am pregnant.
I Went into the bathroom and used the pregnancy test. I took the pregnancy test. I looked at it and to see if it was positive or negative. OMG! I'm really shocked about what it was. I Heard the door to the room opened. Octavia come in. I was going to tell her about this now, but I Heard Bellamy and Lincoln's voices. Shit, not now! I Went out off the bathroom to meet them.
-Hey princess! Bellamy said and kissed me
-Hey Bell. I said and kissed him back
-So why weren't you in school today?
-I was so tierd. I didn't have the straight to go to school. I said and lied. Well, the last part was true.
-Okay, you could text me that so could we spend the day together. He said and smiled
-Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
-It's okay. Nothing to be sorry about.
-Somebody what some food? I Heard Octavia asking from the kitchen
-Yeah, make extra food to me. I haven't eaten today.
Me and Bellamy was down on the bed and started to Watch tv. I'm so scared. Octavia and Lincon were making the food for all of us four. I layed down on Bellamy's chest and looked at him instand of the tv. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. I love these moments.
-Food is ready. Octavia half yelled.
-Coming. I said and ran to the kitchen. Me and Octavia had a Little kitchen in our room. That is so chill.
-So have I missed something today?
-Yeah, our professor, the one that Bellamy hate, told us that we are going on a trip for a whole week. Isn't that cool?
-Okay, yes it's really cool. when are we going? And where are we going?
-We are going to Carlifornia And we are going about two month. I know that it's along time until it. But it's going to be so fun.
-Oh. Was the only thing I said and looked down on my plate
-What is it Clarke? You doesn't look so happy about it?
-Nothing, of course I'm happy. I'm going with all of you guys.
-I totally agree. Lincoln said and smiled
-The first trip together. Octavia said happily
-I just have to go to the bathroom. Coming soon. Lincoln said and ran to the bathroom.
OMG! No he can't go in there. I forgot to hide the pregnancy test. He is going to see it. Fuck!
-Lincoln wait! I yelled
-Sorry Clarke. He said and locked the door after him.
-What's wrong princess?
-Nothing. I snaped
-Easy. Bellamy said and smiled
Lincoln come running out off the bathroom. He was holding something in his hand. Octavia started to look at me in a weird way. This can end good or bad. I'm guessing that it's going to en bad. Bellamy can't get mad at me. I hope he doesn't. But he probably going to be really shocked. I turned around and faced Bellamy. He looked frustrated. That's not good at all.
-Bellamy! You shouldn't get angry at me, if you are going to be angry. If it's someone you are going to be angry at it's you. You didn't used protection. Didn't you? At least I thought that  you did. I said, and tried to hold back my tears.
Both Octavia and Lincoln looked confused now. But they are still understand what's going on right now.
-I'm......I'm sorry? Was the only thing he said
-Everybody are saying that! I'm starting to belive that they are just saying that to make the other person happy. But they don't mean it. That's so frustrating. I said harsh, but I didn't yell, even if I wanted to. I tried to calm myself. I just got better sence the accident.
Before I even could say or do anything, Bellamy walked out off the room and smashed the door behind himself. Why did he do that to me? I can't belive that he just left me. He told me that he wouldn't leave me, no matter what. That was what he said at our first real date. I can't do this by myself. Two weeks ago we were at my parents house. They wanted to meet me after that accident. Both of them, gaved premission to date and they were really happy for us. But now, what am I going to say to them? I can't tell them that I'm pregnant with Bellamy's Child and that he left me the same minute that I told him that. But now, it's like we are on page one again.I felt tears streaming down my face now. I know that Octavia and Lincoln  is still here, and that they are going to be here and surpport me. But it's not the same without Bellamy. This is one of the worst Days in my Life. Because Bellamy left me. I have no straight to talk to anybody now. I just want Bellamy to understand and be here. It's still his baby even if he doesn't like it.

Octavia POV.
One whole week has now gone sence Bellamy left Clarke when she told us about her pregnancy. Well, Lincoln were the first one to see it. So Clarke was kinda force to tell us. I'm feeling so bad for Clarke. I'm so angry at Bellamy. I'm more than just angry at him. I know that it's hard for Clarke without Bellamy and it's so painfull to see Clarke in such pain. Bellamy hasn't talked to us. Clarke are just laying in her bed and are depresst. She skips all her classes, just Crying.
I'm going to talk to Bellamy even if he doesn't want me to right now. He needs to hear what I'm going to tell him. I walked to Bellamy's student house and smashed the door a couple of times until Miller opened the door.
-Where is that jackass? I yelled
-Take it easy Octavia. He said
-No I'm not, tell me now where he is or....
-I agree with Miller, take it easy Octavia! Bellamy said harsh.
we need to talk. Kick out Miller from this damn room now. Or I'm going to force him out. I yelled
-No, I'm not going to listen to you O!
-This is importent. This is about what happened a week ago! I can start talking about it in here. I know that Bellamy doesn't want Miller to know. Just because Bellamy made his half cousin pregnant. Bellamy looked worried. Bellamy dragged me out off the room.
-Are you crazy Octavia? You can't talk about it in here! Bellamy whispered.
-Like hell I can if I want to.
-Listen carefully now Bellamy Blake! Clarke is totally down. She is depresset like hell. She is just laying in the bed and watching tv meanwhile crying. She doesn't goes up from the bed unless she needs to go to the bathroom. She skips all her classes. She is crying all night long. Three Days ago she drank so much that she puked and had the worst hang over. I haven't seen anyone have that kind of hang over she had. She kinda broke a couple things in our room. And that is really dangerous. The drinking. That's not good for the Baby. She doesn't eat anything. And I mean anything. The baby need nutrition to survive. And if she doesn't eat anything the baby can die. She needs food ever day. I have even forced her to eat. But she doesn't. Clarke doesn't talk anymore. She shouts everybody out. Even me. Clarke wants to keep the baby. She has only spoke to me Three times. She told me that she wants to keep the baby. She doesn't want to be alone because she wants you to come back, and the last thing see said was that she loves you Bellamy. It's up to you. I know that you love Clarke. It's up to you now. Do you want to keep the baby and be with Clarke? Because I know that you want that. Or are you just going to leave? Of course me and Lincoln are going to be there for her and surpport her. But what are you going to do? You are losing the baby, me and most of all Clarke! I don't even know who you are anymore Bellamy! You probably just used her. That's low, really low.I yelled. Many guys had start to listen at our conversation.
-What? Of course I didn't use her! Bellamy yelled
-You always the one that use Girls. Everybody knows that. You probably has fucked some girl this week already. Clarke won't forgive you. You are a totally jackass Bellamy! You aren't the person Ithought you were. I yelled
-Of course I haven't used Another girl, why would I do that?
-Because you are starting to act like the old Bellamy Blake.
-That's unfair.
-Unfair? I wouldn't belive that. The way you are treating Clarke is unfair.
-Yes, it's unfair. I care about Clarke okay?
-If you care about her. You wouldn't stand here now and arguing with me. You would be home with Clarke. You would take care off her. I know you love her. But you never told her that. She even starts to question your feelings for her. I yelled
-Why would she do that?
-Because you left her.
-I can't be a father Octavia! You know it! Bellamy yelled. Bellamy looked shocked about what he just said out loud. Now all the guys know that Bellamy made Clarke pregnant and the are going to tell everybody. This is so unfair.
-Of course you can. You just have to try and.... I shut my mouth. Clarke was standing infront of us. She took a couple steps back.
-Clarke.. I....
-Don't Bellamy. I'm going home.
-Clarke. Bellamy said again
-I'm going to move home. Home to my parents. I called them and said that I'm moving home.
This wasn't good at all. Bellamy is a such idiot. He told me a couple weeks ago that her mother wanted her to move home but Clarke said no. Now she is going to move home because this time she decided it by herself. Clarke Went out of Bellamy's student house.
-Bellamy, you are a such idiot. You have hurt her more than what is possible.
-I can't be a father. Bellamy yelled again.
-You hurt her. Go after her, Before it's to late your idiot. You are a really big idiot.
-O, I'm scared. Bellamy whispered.
-What? You, Bellamy Blake? That's really surprising.
-Shut up. But your right.
-About what?
-I  gotta go and fix things between me and princess now.
-Finally you are doing something usefull.
Bellamy ran out iff the student house and ran after Clarke. Clarke was gone. Her car was gone. Bellamy took his car and drove to Clark's student house. I know that he can fix this. He has to. He can't live without his princess. I can see the sadness in his Eyes when he is without Clarke. And with his princess, he is so much more happy.

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