Chapter 30

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We all have moved to Albuquriqe now. We lived in a really big house. It's a little bigger than our last. We are really happy here. Lincoln has a job that he is working at pretty often and Octavia goes her last year at school. Bellamy had decided that he should start work. Luckily, it's not a full times job. So he can be home with me and the babies pretty often. He works afternoon so that I don't need to be home alone. When he goes to work, Octavia comes home from college and Lincoln from his work. We live like 30 minutes from Octavia's college so she doesn't need to live in a student house at her college. And she always tells me that she is so happy that she can live home with us and not in a stupid room with some creepy student at college.

Right now we are at the hospital, because my water went and soon my babies are going to get born. I'm really happy even if I'm in so much pain right now. I have almost been in the hospital for over five hours now. I have been in pain all the time. Bellamy has been sitting beside me all the time and hold my hand. Octavia are so excited. She doesn't really care that I am in pain right now. She's just so happy. Both Octavia and Lincoln are outside the room. They can probably hear me scream of pain all the time. My stomach hurts so badly. The babies are kicking me so much.

-BELLAMY, GET THE DOCTORS NOW. I scream out of pain.

-Okay princess.

Bellamy didn't had a chance to stand up from the chair that he sat on before the doctors come running into the room. I hope the babies coming now. I can't be in more pain. I'm going to faint if I'm in this kind of pain any longer.

-FUCK IT HURTS. I scream

-Try to take a deep breath princess. I'm right here. Bellamy says soft and squeeze my hand.

-Comme on Clarke. You need to help, push a little more. One of the doctors say

-I'M TRYING. I scream out of pain.

-One is out now. Another doctor says.

-Come on Clarke, push a little more. Your other baby needs to come out.

-You are doing a great job princess. Bellamy said

-The baby is out now Clarke, you did great. One of the doctors said

One of the doctors gives me the first baby that come out to this world. But the other baby are they running out of the room with. I can hear them say that it's not breathing. And they are taking the baby to another room to help it survive. Suddenly it's just me, Bellamy and my first newborn left in the room. Bellamy has let go of my arm and are holding the baby. I'm starting to cry out of happiness and worring.

-Bell, what if...

-Shh princess, the baby are going to survive. We need to trust the doctors. And special our little baby girl. Bellamy said and gaved me the little newborn that he hold to me.

-He looks like you Bell. I said and smiled

-Yeah, he does. I promise that the little baby girl is going to be as beautiful as you princess.


-Yeah, princess?

-I want to name my baby girl Charlotte after my sister.

-Then we are going to have a baby Charlotte Hope Blake. Bellamy said and smile

-I love it. I said and Bellamy kissed me gentle

-And for the boy? I asked

-Charlie Bellamy Blake?

-That's lovely.

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