Chapter 4

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Clarke POV.
Three Days have gone by since I told Bellamy at that party that Miller is my half cousin. He had been so angry when Miller hugged and talked to me. I never thought that it would  be like that, just because I'm talking to Miller. Bellamy was so weird. It wasn't like Bellamy. I can understand that Bellamy got really shocked when I told him about Miller. We don't look like each other in anyway. That's because when Miller was a Little Child, my aunt and her husband adopted him. So me and Miller aren't blood related.
I  had just told Octavia about all off this. She also Thinks that it was really weird. Both off us Think that Bellamy saw Octavia in the car, when they picked me up at that party. He doesn't knoww the guy that drove me and Octavia. Octavia hasn't told him about Lincoln. Lincoln is his name. She hasn't told Bellamy about him just becausee she knows what Bellamy would Think about it. And what he might would do. I can understand him. That he needs to protect her Little sister. But she can take care off herself.
Octavia and I were in our room. We sat on our beds and talked about girl thing. After a couple minutes, we Heard somebody bang on the door. We didn't open the door. Two minutes later, somebody locket up the door. I know that it's Bellamy, beacuse he is the olny one that has a key to our room except me and Octavia. So Before he came in to our room, I Went into the wardrobe. The wardrobe is big enought for two persons to be in. I didn't want to talk to him. At least not now. I could hear what he said to Octavia, I could also hear that he was drunk. Before I even know it, somebody opened the door and I fell out. Damn it, that hurt like hell! I looked up from the floor. Of course it was Bellamy that opened the door to the wardrobe. I hit my head when I fell out. I felt a Little Dizzy. Because I don't want to talk to Bellamy, I stand up and was on my way into the bathroom. Octavia sat on the bed, I know that she is wondering what is going to happen next. Before I could Close the door Bellamy grabbed both my wrists. He grabbed it really hard so it hurt. I couldn't say anything. I was totally mute right now. Why does I get mute now? I never get mute. I couldn't move right now. He is to strong. My legs were free, so I kicked one of his knees. He let go of both my wrists. I took both off this wrists in my hands now, and kicked the other knee. Now he was on the ground.
-I'm just gonna say this one time so listen really carefully now. Leave me alone, leave Miller alone. If you hurt Miller once again, you are going to regret it! I mean it Bellamy. Nobody are going to hurt him. Including you. Got it Blake? I told him. My voice were stabilie and had much anger. I looked over at Octavia, she looked really shocked.
-Clarke... Bellamy started.
-Don't say anything. You have done enough right now. Do you know something? I was going to give you a chance to be my friend. But you blow it away. You hurt Miller and now you have payed for it. So leave me alone, so will nothing bad happen to you. You have no idea about what I can do. I promise that I won't hurt anyone. But you Bellamy, hurt me. You really did. And by the way, the way that you treat Girls, is really awful. Try to be more gentle and behave yourself. If you try that you might have a chance with some girl. Well, now I'm done with my Little speech for you. I hope that you have learned abd understand Everything that I just told you. I snaped. I really Think that he got a Little scared because I had a Death look in my Eyes.
I Went out off Octavia and my room. I smashed the door behind me. I Went to my car to take a drive into the city and just Think. I need to focus on more importent things right now.

Octavia POV.
I have seen the whole scen that Clarke and Bellamy did in our room. She throw him to the ground. Clarke actually scared me a Little when she said to Bellamy "You have no idea what I can do". But in some way, I do Think that it was good. She is really stubborn and it's something special with her that makes me Confident to be around her. Even if I haven't known her very long, she is after all my best friend. Maybe it is the way she stands up for herself. She wasn't afraid of hitting Bellamy and she is the only one that ever talked to him in that way. She has a Point when it comes to the way that Bellamy treats Girls. Bellamy sat on the ege of Clarke's bed. He was still a Little bit scared, I can tall it about the way he is now. And you can see that in his Eyes. He is still drunk.
-Bell, I know that... I didn't had the chance to continue what I was going to say.
-You know what? He snapped
-You know that it was wrong? What you did right now. Clarke's right. You can't treat Girls like that. It's not good or fair. You are just destroying Everything for yourself. I'm not against you. What I'm trying to say is that Clarke's right and you really should apologize to her. You have no right to treat her like that, special when it's hurt her.
-You're right. Both of you. Bellamy said and looked down on the floor.
I'm really surprise that Bellamy didn't yelled at me or anything of the usual. Weird. I have no idea what is going on with him right now. But I don't want to press him. If I do, he might get angry and I don't want him to be that right now. Because right now he looks more hurt than angry. I don't know why. In some way, I'm actually feel pretty sorry for him. He is Always the one that stands up for himself and never let anyone talk to him like that. Now, he let Clarke take Control over this, and he is a Little less protective sence the last party. Because now he knows what Clarke is to Miller. I can't belive that they actually are cousins. So he has nothing to worry about. And why would he has something to worry about? But I do wonder what is worrying him so much.
-What O? He was still looking down on the floor.
-What's going on with you?
-I have no idea... it's just so complicated.
-What is so complicated?
-You mean Clarke?
-I can't handle it O.
-What Bell? What is wrong? It is something that she did now? What is it that you can't handle? You can tell me. I said soft
-No, Before.
-Before what? What happened? Tell me big brother.
-I obeyed her. She could and can Control me. And I can't do anything about it.I have no idea how to handle it. How to handle things. And what is going to happen if she leave? If she does, I can't handle things like I could Before. Do you understand what I mean?
-What do you mean by obeying her? I don't understand that part.
-You know when I Always fight with someone? I can't stop until I win. And when I fighting Miller at this party, she came into the kitchen there we were and she told me to stop. And I just stoped. And you know that right now, I would be really angry and yelling at people and more stuff like that. Like the usual. But I can't. And when I was kicking and hitting Miller and she told me to stop. I didn't beat him up. I just let him go and I Went out from the house. Because off her. Because off Clarke. And I listen to Everything she told me. Even to how to treat girl.
-Have you ever thought about that Clarke might be good for you? As a friend.
-What? Bellamy said and got really shocked.
-Yeah, you Heard me Bell. Maybe you should focus about having a real relationship with only one girl. Someone that is good for you. Not one of your whores. But somebody that actually cares about you and not just want to sleep with you. I mean, wouldn't that be good? You don't need to be hurt all the time. You can have somebody by your side when I'm not with you. I will Always be with you because I'm your Little sister. But just somebody else. Don't you agree with me, Bell?

Ark College - BellarkeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara