Chapter 14, Pt. 1

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Silay awoke on her own, much to her surprise. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept until she woke up for no other reason than her body being done sleeping. She glanced to other bed, but Riya was still asleep. Quietly, she dressed herself. The innkeeper's wife had cleaned their clothes yesterday, and Silay was grateful to be back in her normal outfit. She slipped out the door and made her way down to the breakfast.

There were a few more people in the dining area yesterday, people Silay didn't recognize. Looking around for a familiar face, she spotted Amata, sitting with the Griffin leader, Olivia. The remains of their breakfast, plus another, where on the table in front of them. Olivia caught Silay's eye, and waved her over to join them.

"Good morning." Silay nodded to the extra plate. "Was that Jarlen's?"

"Yes." Amata smiled. "He could barely sit still long enough to eat without dashing back to the apothecary."

Silay nodded. When they had all sat down to dinner last night, Amata had sent Silay to fetch Jarlen. She'd had to almost physically drag him back to the inn to eat and get some rest.

"And how are you doing, Silay?" Olivia's tone implied the question was more than just a way to make conversation.

"I'm all right. It's been nice to rest. It just feels strange, not having anything to do."

"I understand." Olivia sighed. "Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do. We're at a point where we need to know what Sojan and S'vaeli are up to before we can act."

"Can't the seers help with that?"

Olivia hesitated before answering. "There's some complications with asking them."

Amata joined the conversation. "I know they can't see the future perfectly, but surely they can give some guidance?"

But Olivia was already shaking her head. "Our seer, he says it's almost impossible to see anything right now. Possible futures are changing so quickly, there's no way to get a grasp on what is most likely to occur."

Silay furrowed her brow. "Is something interfering with them? Like the plague interfered with the Healers?"

Olivia looked pointedly at her. Silay's eyes widened. "It's me?"

The Superintendent nodded. "But that's not necessarily a bad thing. If our seers are uncertain, then the same applies to our enemies."

"Besides," Amata gently placed her hand on top of Silay's, "isn't this what you were trying to do? You've changed the future. Now we will just have to wait and see what it will be."

"I suppose." Silay's voice was quiet. She was used to not knowing her future, but what did it mean for everyone else? Part of why people had avoided her back home was so they wouldn't risk her changing their destinies in someway. Now it seemed she had changed everyone's. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts. If they couldn't see the future, then they couldn't see the future. Worrying about it wouldn't do any good. "Is there any other news?"

Olivia nodded. "Post-riders brought in the plague sample Jarlen needed early this morning. And your friends from Dagrosa should arrive tomorrow afternoon."


"You have the news, Silay." Amata waved down a server. "Now settle down to eat."

Silay grinned. "I--"

The door to the inn burst open. "Superintendent!" The man gasping, out of breath. "You're needed in Town Hall. One of our..." he glanced at the people in the inn, "...messengers has come back."

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