Truly, Madly, Deeply (Epilogue <3)

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Alright guys, here’s the epilogue (: Enjoy <3 and don’t forget to comment and vote pleaseee :D

9 months later…

Rose’s POV:

“Thank you for choosing British Airways, we hope you enjoyed your flight. Have a wonderful day!” The lady on the intercom said. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up, allowing everyone else to leave before me.

As soon as the rows cleared out, I walked through thin space between the seats and walked out the airplane and finally through the hallway filled with people going the same direction as I was.

I felt so relieved to have finally land here. It was an extremely long way from California and it killed me. I could feel the major jetlag coming to me soon.

I rolled my carry-on luggage only being pushed by a few girls.

“Excuse you,” I mumbled.

They kept squealing, not even stopping to say sorry or anything. They ran through the people, shoving some of them. I looked behind me, only seeing worse.

More teenage girls running and talking with huge smiles on their faces. Some of them screaming.

“What the hell?” I said to myself.

“Ah, they probably saw a few fit lads,” An old woman said beside me.  I nodded understandingly, ignoring them as I kept on rolling.

“OH MY GOD!” A girl ran up to me. I stopped and looked beside of me then behind me. Was she talking to me?


“Are you Rose?!?” She practically screamed.

“Yeah, I am,” I smiled a bit confused.

“Can I have a picture with you?!”

“Sure,” I smiled. I wasn’t really used to this whole picture thing, especially since I was in college most of the time, I didn’t really go out and if I did, no one really noticed me because of how busy the shopping centers were.

I took a quick picture, being mobbed by about 10 girls. I continued walking through the Heathrow airport only seeing a crowd of girls screaming and squealing.

I went into a store, not wanting to be seen. I began looking around at the cute little souvenirs placed on the shelves.

I didn’t understand. The only time girls would go that crazy was if….wait.

They couldn’t be back from tour right?

No. That’s impossible; Louis said he had a whole 2 weeks left.

Must be some other band? Or some celebrity.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my hand and I glanced at it.


Look behind you :)

I looked at the message for a seconds a bit puzzled, but I looked behind me seeing

“Louis?!” I exclaimed.

“Miss me?” He asked cockily.

A smile grew on both of our lips. He put his arms out, allowing me to go in them. We both hugged each other for so long, allowing no space between us at all.

“I missed you soo much,” I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek.

“I missed you too,” He said back.

Alejandra’s POV:

“Ok, let’s take a five minute break,” Danielle took a sigh.

I took a deep breath from all the dancing we were doing and nodded my head barely being able to talk. While Harry was away with the other boys on tour, I decided to go into my dream job and start dancing. And everything worked out perfectly since Danielle was my teacher.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now