"Wanna say something else bitch?"

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Rose’s POV:

“Alright lads! So I’ll take Niall and Louis you take Rosie and then I guess –“

“I’m not going with him.” I said.

Everyone turned to me and gave me a confused look. “Um…ok. Uhhh…Louis?” Liam turned to Louis for an explanation.

“Babe, plea-“

“Can I go with you Zayn?” I asked cutting Louis off.

“Uh, sure,” He nodded.

“Oook?” Liam said a bit confused. “Well Perrie you go on with Zayn –“

“No.” Zayn and Perrie both said at the same time. “Um…is everyone all right?”

There was an awkward silence between us all, “Alright fine…Perrie how about you just hop along with me and Nialler?”

“Sounds good to me,” She said.

Without further ado, I walked to Zayn’s car and hopped in. Louis suddenly came up to the car and opened the door but I stopped him from what he was about to do.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a bit of an attitude in my voice, arching my eyebrow.

“What am I doing? Rosie, what are you doing?”

“Giving more time for you to clean up anything else with you and Sky.”

“WHAT?! Rosie! For Jesus Christ, I did nothing!”

“They’re waiting for you Louis…” Zayn said. I looked beside me, not noticing Zayn was there already. Louis slammed the door and left finally.

“Thanks.” I mumbled. Zayn just nodded and we began following Harry’s car that was following Liam’s.

“What’s wrong with you and Louis?” Zayn asked glancing at me, then looking back at the road.

“Ah, nothing.” I said.

Zayn let out a sigh, “That’s exactly how I lost Isabella…I don’t wanna lose you too Rosie.”

“Oh my god…I’m so sorry Zayn,” I apologized just realizing how Isabella would always say ‘Nothing’ or she would make up some excuse so she wouldn’t tell the truth.

“I think I can fix it, it’s ok Zayn. You have too much on your shoulders anyways.” I said.

“Are you sure Rosie? I can take another pound or two.”

“Yeah. I’m positive. Thanks though,” I smiled.

“Alright, but I’m here if you need anything.”

I nodded and there was silence in the car. It wasn’t awkward, or anything but I guess we were both lost in our minds.

One thing I didn’t understand is why Isabella left Zayn. She talks about him all day and all night. It had nothing to do with the fact that she found someone else. There had to be another reason…but what?

“Zayn…that’s not why she left you.” I said, hoping it would make him feel better.


Zayn picked up his phone, “Ello?” He answered. He gestured his hand, telling me to hang on a second and I nodded.

“Doni…listen, about yesterday I’m sorry…yeh…what? Money? U.S dollars? Don what are you talking about? I gave you euros and pounds…No! I’m positive! Saffa said what?...Isabella? When? Yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me Don?! I gave you the money by hand – no. Don’t start giving me dumbass excuses! Ok. Ok – wait you have her number? Oh…ok. Bye.”

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now