'Zayn was supposed to be my first...'

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Alex’s POV:

I yawned as I got up from the bed. I looked down and found myself naked. I looked behind me seeing Isabella in the bed.

Shit shit shit shit shit…

No. This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening. Shit. What the hell did I do to her? This wasn’t supposed to happen. She loves Zayn. Not me.

I saw her turn in her bed and she sat up. “Oh my god! Alex put some pants o-“

“Wh-why am I…oh my god…” She seemed to be hypervenalating. I quickly put my boxers on and she got up and I turned away.

“You…you…” She wasn’t breathing right. I turned around and she was wearing a robe.

“YOU MOTHERFUCKER! YOU FUCKED ME DIDN’T YOU!?!?” She yelled, hitting my chest with her two hands.

“Isabella I –“

“YOU MOTHERFUCKING JACKASS!” She yelled even louder.


“YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!” She slapped me right across my cheek. The first couple of seconds I felt nothing, but then my cheek started to throb.

“ISABELLA!” I stopped her holding both of her wrists. “It was a drunken mistake I swear…I wasn’t trying to take advantage of you…”

I looked at her devastating face and she shook her head. “I never. Ever. Want to see you again…” She cried sliding down the door.

“I’m sorry…” I said.

“Get the fuck out.” She whispered digging her head into her knees.

“Isabella I swear –“

“GET THE FUCK OUT!” She screamed. I turned around finding my way to the door.

Isabella’s POV:

This is all my fault…I should’ve never drunk. I should’ve never even gone out.

Zayn was supposed to be my first...

I just lost my virginity to some guy when I supposed to lose it with Zayn…


I glanced onto the screen of my phone and wiped my tears away. I slid my finger across and held the phone to my ear.

“Isabella, I’m afraid we’ll have to make it 2 more months. I’m sorry hun.” Sky said.

“Ok.” I whispered.

“What? – I mean, alright glad you took it well.”

I hung up the phone and threw it across the dull, unknown room. I said ok because I don’t even think I could tell Zayn what happened when I get back with him. I put my knees up digging my face into it and continued to let the tears fall.


“Hey, do you know where I can find the sleeping pills?” I asked the employee.

“Right this way,” The lady said, putting down the box of crackers she was organizing onto the shelf. I followed her and she looked at me studying my face.

“Depression pills are over there.” She pointed.

“What?” I asked a bit shocked of why she would say that.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized, “Maybe you should just do a quick check up. Our doctor is free right now.”

I nodded and she walked away. I had no other choice. I walked over to the counter where drugs were handed out and I made myself an appointment. I sat down, only finding myself get up again after a second. The man instructed me to go to some kind of small room.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum