"I found someone else! OK!?"

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Alejandra’s POV: (continued)

“Hah! Nice try.” I said not believing whoever was on the phone.

“Now, who’s this?” I asked again.

“Hun, trust me. I’m Harry’s girlfriend. I wanna know why YOU have his phone.” She answered.

No no no no….this can’t be true. Harry said he would never cheat on me…is he cheating on me now? No. This can’t be happening. Can it?

I hung up the phone and lied it down on the counter. “Baby?” Harry’s deep voice called. I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

Maybe it was just one of his drunken friends? Or maybe a prank call?

“Nothing,” I placed my hands on his hands.

“You left me alone baby. Can we cuddle now?” he whispered.

I nodded, smiling and we walked over to the bed and got in, his arms around me as I buried my head into his chest.


“Alright baby, here is fine,” I smiled.

“Do you want me to take Darcy ermmm with me to the studio?”

“No it’s ok.”

“Are you sure baby?” Harry asked.

“Positive,” I grinned. He pecked my lips and I got out the car holding Darcy in my arms as Harry took out the stroller from the trunk.

“Take good care of mommy, ok?” He kissed Darcy making her giggle a bit.

“Alright, love you baby. If you need me just –“

“Harry, we’ve went over it a million times, don’t worry I’ll call,” I smiled, setting Darcy down in the stroller. I kissed Harry on the cheek and his dimples were visible and he kissed me back.

I waved to Harry as he drove away and he waved back sending a kiss. Before shopping, I decided to get some Starbucks since it was literally right in front of me. I went in and went up to the counter meeting a lady with blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

“Hey,” I greeted nicely.

“Hello, can I get something for you?”

“Umm…yeah can I have a small cappuccino?” I asked.

“Is that all?” She punched some numbers on the register.

I nodded and turned around and started working on my cup while I got my wallet out. I dropped a coin on the floor and Darcy started crying.

“Noo, shhh…it’s ok baby,” I cooed her rubbing her tiny hand.

“Here you are,” She smiled. I thanked her and turned around, “Does Darcy need anything?”

I turned around seeing a huge grin on her face. I looked down at her name tag, ‘Sky’

It’s like I’ve heard of that name before…but where?

“Umm…no thanks.” I said then strolled out.

Zayn’s POV:

I don’t get it. She didn’t love me?

Thoughts rushed over me as I kept tossing and turning. Did I do something wrong?

My phone rang, but I didn’t bother picking it up. I just overlooked the screen seeing Liam’s name.

I wasn’t in the mood to do anything…I just wanted to see her again. I was going to propose to her…but she walked out on me…

How could she find someone else?!

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now