"Just tell me the truth next time ok? I don't want you to get hurt again,"

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Zayn’s POV:

This is my entire fault.

I should’ve never let her go. But I did.


The breeze passed through me, hitting me hard so I could feel how cool it was. I stood in the same spot, not moving a muscle as I tried to process what just happened.

“Zayn!” I heard a soft voice exclaim.

I knew it was Saffa, but for once, I didn’t have the mood to talk to her even. The crunching of the leaves got louder and then I finally felt her soft little hands tug on my hand.

“Zayn! Zayn! Look what I got!” She jumped up and down.

I couldn’t ignore her though. I looked down slightly and she pointed at her wrist.

“Look Zayn!”

My eyebrows furrowed. The bracelet looked familiar. I knelt down so Saffa and I were eye level. I took her small wrist and went over the bracelet realizing the charms. This had to be Isabella’s. I memorized everything about the charms on the bracelet. I bought her the bracelet myself.

“Where’d you get this from?” I asked for reassurance.

“Umm…the pwetty lady. Isabella?” She said unsurely.

I looked at the bracelet again. I knew it was hers. She gave it to Saffa? Flashbacks entered my mind as I remembered how happy she was when I put the bracelet onto her small wrist.

“Oh my god! Zayn! Thank you!” She exclaimed, jumping on top of me and kissing me. “I love you.” She pulled away for a second. I then pulled away, “I love you more babe.”

“Zaynie? Why are you cwying?” Saffa asked touching my face. I looked out to the road, remembering Isabella getting in the back of the taxi and then driving away.

“Because…she’s gone,” I said slowly. Saffa put her arms around my neck, giving me a huge hug.


I didn’t know how to answer the question. So I kept silent. [Please keep in mind that Saffa is a bit young in this story.]

“Zayn?” I turned my head seeing Doniya coming towards me. “Zayn…I’m sorry about what just happened –“

“Why Don?” I asked, getting up slowly.

“Why what Zayn?” Her eyebrows furrowed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I tensed up a bit.

“Oh…Umm…it was best for you…”

“What?! How is not seeing her best for me!?” I raised my voice, gritting my teeth.

“Zayn calm down! I’m sorry ok?” She put her hands on my shoulders, but I shrugged it off.

“That’s why you wanted me to come tomorrow?” I whispered.


My throat started to burn. “Bullshit.” I whispered, turning around to get into my car.

“Zayn!” Doniya called. “Zayn just listen please!”

Alejandra’s POV:

“C’mon baby, I haven’t met them yet and ermm I think I should,” Harry suggested.

“No Harry…I don’t think it’s a good idea…” I said anxiously.

“Why?” He asked slowly.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now