'The only way to leave him is to leave without saying anything...'

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Zayn’s POV (continued):

“Babe? You alright?” I patted Isabella’s back.

“Yeah…” She coughed one last time.

She then got up off the couch and looked at me, “Hey can…we umm go now?”

I stood up quickly, “Of course.”


“I don’t get it babe…what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Zayn. Can we go to bed now? I’m just tired…” She answered walking out of the bathroom.

Before she could continue walking I stopped right in front of her and gripped her arm a bit tight.

“There’s something going on. Tell me. Now.”

“Zayn! There’s nothing! Ok?!”

“Why are you acting like this then?!”

“Acting like what?!” She shot back at me.

“You know what Izz. Don’t play shit with me. Why were you choking up when Little Mix won first place?” I said staring deeply into her eyes that were clouded.

She then tensed up a little and looked down nervously, “I…I…umm…I was just erm surprised!  I didn’t expect them to win!” She stuttered.

“Isabella! We both know that you’re hiding something from me! Just tell me babe!”

“I already told you Zayn! There’s nothing wrong!” She raised her voice, tugging at her arm.

I was getting extremely aggravated. She wouldn’t tell me and I couldn’t help her. I had to know. I just had to. If I didn’t, then…I don’t know what I’d do to myself. I just have to know.

“GOD DAMMIT ISABELLA! Just fucking say it!” I yelled.

Shit…that was too hard on her. I looked at her, realizing what I had done was wrong. Her eyes were watery and she yanked her arm out of my grip. Before she could even move I pulled her into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered.

“Can I...just please…please…just go to bed?” She whispered so softly I could barely hear.

“Of course,” I simply replied.

She pulled away from the hug and walked over to the bed and I followed her, covering her after helping her lie down. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and rested in right beside her. I stared at the ceiling, putting my hand on my forehead and started to think…

I have to get someone to help…


“Alright! Great job boys! Let’s meet back up in 30, yeah?” The man said.

We all nodded our heads and left the room heading over to the lounge.

“Well! Someone didn’t have sex last night!” Louis elbowed me, making all the lads break into laughter.

“Shut up Louis…” I replied.

“Awh, it’s ok Zayn! But don’t turn out like Harry and bang her too hard lad,” He laughed again along with the lads.

I clenched up my fists. I wasn’t in the mood for this.

Isabella barely said anything this morning…

“Morning beautiful,” I stroked her hair.

“Morning…” She answered glumly.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Sequel to Moments)Where stories live. Discover now