Shower Heart Break

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Billie was out for the night, running some quick jobs. She was a local drug dealer, but only few knew that. Billie last texted you thirty minutes ago, telling you that she would see you as soon as she could.

Unexpectedly, fifteen minutes ago it had started to storm. You were worried for her, hoping she would get either to your place or her own safely.

As you listened to your music through your speaker, your head in the new sketch you had started, there was a knock on your window. You instantly knew it was Billie.

You quickly head to the window, opening it as fast as you could. Billie sits on your roof, staring in at you with a smirk. She looked hot in the rain, that was something you couldnt tear your mind from.

She was dressed in black baggy jeans, a pair that was soaked in rain water. Her shirt was a black tank top, hugging her figure perfectly. She had a few chains on, some rings on her fingers, and her signature pair of black sunglasses. Her hair was soaked, flattened strangely on her head.

Billie rarely visited, though you guys were sneaking around. You always got excited to see her, she was the best type of company in your opinion.

She enters your room, dripping onto your floor. You instantly told her to run to the bathroom before she ruined the wood, scared the water might soak into it.

Billie nodded, quickly walking over to your bathroom. She took her glasses off, then her jewelry. She sat on the floor, taking her shoes off as she stared up at you.

"Its fucking pouring out there. Thought the skies were clear. Stupid bullshit." She said annoyed, her clothes dripping to the floor. You grabbed her a towel, handing it to her as you stared down at her.

"Ill grab you some clothes." You said, leaving the small bathroom. Billie watched you leave, her eyes on your body. Specifically, on your hips.

"You know Im fine with being half-naked around you." She flirted, chuckling as she dried off her body and hair. The rain water still dripping from her masculine body.

You blushed at her words, a small smirk on your face as you grabbed her some clothes from the drawer she took up. "Yes, but it's cold."

Billie hummed a response, waiting for you. "Then you can help me warm up." She wore her cocky smirk, knowing what she'd recieve by the end of the night.

You walk into the bathroom, a pair of her boxers, sweatpants, a bra, and t-shirt in your hands. She observes your body again, still wearing that same smirk.

You wore her hoodie, a plain black one with a simple nike logo in the corner. No pants covering your legs as you wore blue socks. You were more than comfortable, before Billie even came you were about to put your journal away and climb into bed. You were sleepy, eyelids heavy.

Billie bit her lower lip, watching you. "You know, you look fucking sexy in my hoodie." She complimented, making you blush like crazy. You rolled your eyes, "Shush."

Billie chuckles, standing up as she undresses. You stare at her body, biting your lower lip as you observe her muscles. The six pack that's perfectly shaped on her abdomen, her biceps the way they flex as she moves her arms, her veins on her hands. You were attracted to every part of the girl in front of you.

She changes and looks up at you with a smirk, "I cant help it, you look so fucking hot in my hoodie. I could just tear it off you."

You blush, biting your lower lip as she approaches you. She puts her hand behind you, grabbing her bra that you set on the sink. You look up at her as she smirks down at you, knowing exactly what shes doing. You roll your eyes, turning back to your room where you sit on your bed. "Stop."

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