You Left Me-rewritten

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Lying next to my girlfriend, her light snores filling my ears. The only sound in this pitch-black room. Just us, no one else.

Her body heat sinks into the mattress, trying to travel into me. But I'm freezing cold, even in my hoodie and sweatpants.

She stole the blankets, hogging them up. And I just decided to let her have them. She's facing me, sound asleep. She looks so peaceful.

I wonder what it's like to be that peaceful, something I haven't felt in a while. Something I forgot about.

Something I haven't felt since that day not so long ago.

It's probably late now, maybe far into morning. I'm so exhausted, but sleep is nowhere in reach. I'm bored, so I reach over for my phone. Needing a distraction.

Looking at the time, 3am, I knew it was late. But seeing the time, seeing it's true, it kind of hurts. Knowing I've fallen back into my old sleeping ways.

I turn on my phone, heading to TikTok. Scrolling through the countless videos. The light of the screen lighting up the room, the quiet sound of the music drowning out my girlfriend's light snores.

A shuffling noise causes me to turn my attention to my girlfriend. Watching her toss onto her other side, her back turning to me. I observe her for a while.

I wish she was her.

I sigh, turning my attention back to my phone. The same video on repeat. The sound becoming rather annoying as I zone out, not really watching the stupid little dancing video.

I continue to scroll, then I hear a familiar voice to my left. Opposite to the girl on my bed. It takes a while til I understand her words.

"You know you can't get over me by dating her."

The voice made my heart ache, I wished she wasn't there.

Turning to face her, my eyes closed shut. Smelling that unforgettable scent. The smell of her perfume, the one I wear when I need comfort. The one I wear on my bad days.

I open my eyes, sighing as I notice her. I try to form any words to say something back. My heart breaking, tears welling up in my eyes. "I-I know, but I'm trying." I reply in a whisper.

She lets out a soft, quiet chuckle. One that sounds heart breaking. She looks at the girl behind me, her brows furrowing. I frown at the sight of her, knowing she's only a figment of my imagination.

The sad blue eyes that I fell in love with now glisten with happiness. They've turned into a shining blue, filled with hope.

I know she's happier, which breaks my heart. But I'm happy for her. So happy for her.

"You know you can't," she frowns, "but I'm happy she makes you happy."

I wish I could tell her she doesn't.

But in a way, she does. But not as happy as I was with her. She takes my mind off the girl I wish to have.

But that doesn't last forever.

She's never truly off my mind. Not when I'm alone or asleep. I think about her all the time, even when I'm surrounded by people I love.

Because I loved her.

In the shower, I always find myself on the floor. Sobbing for hours, the water ice cold by the time I remember where I am. And the reason my screams are so loud on the cliff. Why my body aches, why everything shakes.

I sit up, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring into her eyes. Then my eyes fall to her lips, craving their touch on mine. On my neck, my body. Craving her.

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