Im Yours

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Billie looked up at me from the pool and I smiled at her. "Join me!" She called and I shook my head. "Im alright. Im enjoying the view though." She laughed and got out of the pool. I watched as she dripped onto the dry pavement.

"Please?" She asked and I sighef before sitting up. Taking my airpods out, I place them in their case before undressing and standing in my swim suit. "Fine. But only because you asked nicely." I say and she squeals.

"Shit... Im gonna have to start saying please more often if it's enough to change your mind.." She teases and I give her a look. "Shut the fuck up Eilish." I say as I approach her. "What? You gonna make me now?" She continues to tease and I push her into the pool.

She yells as she splashes into the water. I laugh as I watch her come back up. "Rude." She says and I jump into the pool. She sheilds herself from the splash as she laughs.

Underwater I see her legs kick and keep her afloat. I swim over to her and lift her into the air before plunging us both into the water. Once out I laugh and look at Billie as she swims back up. "You're annoying." She laughs and I swim to her. Wrapping my arms around her waist as I look into her blue eyes. "Yet you love me."

She nods and kisses me softly as I look into her eyes. "That I do." She says softly and I kiss down her neck. Making her softly moan as I find her sweet spot. I begin to harshly suck on her skin before I drag my hand down her body. "Mary..." She lets out and I swiftly take my hand back up. "Yeah?" I ask and she looks into my eyes.

"Im yours." She whispers and I kiss her softly. "I know. You're mine. And Im yours baby." I say and she kisses me softly as I bring her closer. "I love you." She says and I look into her eyes as they fill with promise. "I love you too." 

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