Chapter 5 Part 19: The Good, The Bad, And The Blackened

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This could only lead to one conclusion...

"There was no accomplice in this murder." I said.

"Daiton... don't fucking change the information we already have..." Imamura complained, glaring at me.

"Think about it." I replied. "There's no proof that there is an accomplice in this case. We just assumed so because we thought the murderer would already be inside of the office room. But the body announcement didn't go off when I arrived, nor when Arima arrived. It only went off when Otani made it to the crime scene. That means that the killer wasn't counted, and the killer is included in the announcement as soon as another person is the there to witness the body with them."

"U- um, wouldn't that mean N- Naito's body announcement would've gone off a- as soon as I had gotten to the crime scene i- in the third trial?" Arima asked.

"Nope! You can't be a witness if you're fucking dead!" Ressa chuckled. "Plus, Tengan wasn't looking at Naito's body when she was killed so TECHNICALLY!!! She didn't witness the body with Miyazaki." Ressa said, prideful in his argument.

"Um, that doesn't change anything!" Imamura barked. "If the people who discovered the body first, Daiton and Arima, were the accomplice and the murderer, then that wouldn't matter at all! You both were still the ones who discovered the body! If anything, that just proves that Otani wasn't the killer or the accomplice!"

"You're not going to fucking let up, huh?" I replied, glaring at her. She shook her head back and forth.

"I- I swear I didn't do anything!" Arima blurted out.

"NO." Sugai snapped, glaring at all of us. Arima stared at him in confusion and fear. "I'M. NOT. DOING. THIS. AGAIN." Sugai looked me dead in the eyes. For some reason, I felt my heart rate rise, as he pointed at me. A horrible aura filled the room. "You better be the killer." After a moment, he loosened back up, making a pouty voice. "How am I supposed to make fun of Arima if he's dead, hmmmm?" No one said anything for a moment, just staring at Sugai in shock.

"Wow..." Kawata muttered. I took a deep breath, shaking my head back and forth. Whatever happened with Sugai doesn't matter right now. I know I didn't kill Hirano, so I know there was no accomplice to this case. Otherwise, the body announcement would've gone off as soon as I arrived at the crime scene.

"We need to figure out who took the key from Hirano." I said. "Then, we'll be able to figure out who killed her."

"Or, we can just figure out who already had a taser." Imamura said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.

"W- would there even be a way to figure out who took the key?" Arima asked. He looked a little bit worried. "I- I mean, there's no real way of knowing..."

"So... you're saying there's no way of knowing who the killer is?" Otani replied, sweat running down his face. No one said anything in response.

"OOOOO OKAY, this is REALLY interesting!" Sugai laughed. "Okay, how about this! Who knew Hirano had the key to Kawata's Ultimate Lab?" He chuckled to himself, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"... didn't Arima say that he witnessed Hirano purchase the key with Sugai?" Kawata asked. Arima looked slightly nervous, as he scratched the back of his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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