Dinner with the Clarks

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Ashlyn wasn't sure how exactly she had gotten to this point. Sitting at a dinner table awkwardly with the Clarks—while Ben glared at her a little from across the table.

After Lily had ran downstairs to tell her parents about Ashlyn upstairs, Aiden's parents ran upstairs.

Luckily—they remembered her from the last time they met. So there wasn't too much scandal—but Aiden was still scolded for having a girl alone in the house. Aiden apologized for it and Ashlyn was about to leave—but they had told her it was fine.

Then Lily piped up—asking if Ashlyn wanted to stay for dinner—and possibly play with her afterwards. Not wanting to disappoint the little girl—Ashlyn looked to Aidens parents. They nodded in approval.

So that brings her to now.

Lily was very chatty with her—but to be honest, all Ashlyn wanted to do was go home. This was getting hella awkward.
"Lily—let her breath why don't you?" Naomi chuckled.
Ashlyn sent her a thankful look. She already liked lily—but god DAMN did she talk someone's ear off.
"Awwww..." Lily pouted. William ruffled her hair.

"So Ashlyn.." Daniel said, making eye contact with her. Ashlyn gulped. Ah shit they seemed like the snobby rich type.
"Aiden told us he met you at school but he never really went into the details. Do you mind telling them?"
Ashlyn awkwardly laughed. Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shiiiiiiiiiit.

She shot Aiden a glance—who shrugged. Ashlyn glared at him. Goddamnit Aiden! What the hell was she supposed to say? 'Oh yeah, we met because he texted me by accident and instead of blocking him I continued to text him without telling him it was me and then my identity got revealed by some asshole at school and the majority of my friend group hates me now?'

Yeah. Great conversation starter.

"Uh...we ride the same bus so.." Ashlyn said, hoping she wouldn't have to elaborate any further.
"Well that makes sense—but who talked to who first?" Jessica asked, looking at Ashlyn.
"Aiden did.." Ashlyn said. Well...if she couldn't tel l the truth she could tell part of the truth. "He sorta talked my ear off even though I didn't really show any interest. He just kept on pestering me and I sorta just let him?"

The adults sighed—figured Aiden would do that. Naomi piped up.
"So, how long have you to been together?"

Ashlyn and Aiden's faces turned bright red and Ben nearly choked on his drink. When the hell did that happen?!
"Oh we're not—we're not a thing!" Ashlyn quickly explained.

Lily frowned. "Liar! I asked if he had a crush before and he said yes and I asked him to tell me who and he said a pretty girl with long orange hair like a carrot! So obviously it was you!"

Ashlyn blushed furiously and Aiden slammed his fork down.

"Aiden!" Jessica scolded.
"What?! It's true!" Aiden said.
"Are you just mad because your little crush got pitted by like a six year old?" Ben typed on his phone.
"I'm seven!" Lily protested.
"Ohhhhh ok. You wanna talk about outting crushes ben? Then how about you hm? You tell your parents about your girlfriend yet?" Aiden said, smug.

Ben turned beet red. Shit.
The adults and Lily snapped their heads towards Ben, shock on their faces.
"Wait really?!" Naomi asked excitedly.
"Since when?" Jessica asked.
"Dan you owe me twenty bucks! I was right! Ben got a girlfriend before Aiden!" William said, smugly grinning at Daniel. Daniel groaned.
"Oh come on!"

Lily stood up excitedly on her chair. "Ooooooooh! Is she pretty?! What's her name?! Can I meet her?! Please please please please please please please please please please—"

Ben groaned internally. Oh fuck you Aiden! He wanted to tell them on his own time!

Aiden grinned as he looked at Ben. Serves him fucking right. He glanced at Ashlyn—she looked genuinely uncomfortable with all the noise. He tapped her knee and gestured to the door.

"Hey. Do you wanna get out of here?"

Ashlyn slumped with relief, nodding.
"Yes. Please,"


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