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If you saw Aiden Clark on the street—you wouldn't think anything was wrong. He always wore a smile on his face. And that bleached hair and red eyes were always so off putting.

To the average person—to an outsider. He looked like a psycho.

But Aiden Clark wasn't a psycho. He was kind. He was caring—even if his actions were a His heart was always in the right place.

He loved his family, cared for his cousins. He cared for his parents, despite a rocky relationship. He cared for his friends—even the online ones.

Aiden Clark was a human.

So why?

Aiden laid on the bed of his room, feeling a lot like he did when he was little.
"Why?" He repeated in his head. Over and Over.

Why did Ashlyn lie?

Don't get him wrong—he was thrilled to know who was behind the number all along.

His crush? Someone who he genuinely liked?

To say he was happy was an understatement. But...

Then why did he feel like this?

Crummy? Crappy?

Why did his friends react like that to a number?

It was Ashlyn. They liked Ashlyn.

What was so wrong?

Aiden couldn't see.

Aiden couldn't tell.

Hell Aiden didn't know why he was acting upset right now. Shouldn't he be thrilled?

Why wasn't he bugging Ashlyn right now?
Or fighting with Tyler?
Or hanging with Taylor?
Or copying answers off of Logan?
Or pestering Ben?

Why wasn't he happy?

Why was he broken?

Aiden pushed those thoughts away as he stared at the text Ashlyn had sent him. It was an apology again. An explanation. But Aiden didn't know exactly how to feel about it.

Yes it was Ashlyn.

Yes it was Ms. Kevin.

And yes they were the same person.

Aiden liked both of them.
A lot.
Hell he loved her.

At least he thought he did. So then why couldn't he bring himself to respond? Why is he this broken.

Aiden glanced at his monitor—the black screen reflecting him. God he looked pathetic. Like he did all those years ago.

Aiden smiled. No smile through this.

Just smile through your pain.

Annoying rat:

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