Some advice

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"You sure you didn't leave it in the hallway?" Emma asked as her daughter angrily sat on the couch.
Ashlyn grumbled. "I'm sure. I had it in my pocket,"
"Could've fallen out when Aiden dragged you away," Mike said. He was just the tiniest(very) pissed of that his daughter had gotten hurt like that. He was glad that Aiden had dragged her away. He wasn't half bad, that kid. Odd, but not bad.
"He would've grabbed it," Ashlyn said.
"Maybe he didn't notice it?" Emma said.
Ashlyn groaned, sinking into the couch cushions. Mike chuckled.
"What? Afraid your friends are gonna find your phone and find out?" Mike teased.
"I was gonna tell him,"

Mike and Emma choked on their spit.
"WAIT WHAT? YOU WERE?" Emma said, excitedly.
Mike was beaming too, putting an arm around his daughter and dragging her into a involuntary hug.
"Ack! Lemme go!" Ashlyn said, flailing her legs about.
"Sorry! I'm just happy for you trooper. I'm glad you decided to be honest with them," Mike said.

Ashlyn looked away sheepishly.
"Ashlyn." Mike said, noticing the look on his daughters face. "Your gonna be honest with them. Right?"
Ashlyn sucked her teeth. "Weeeeeellllllll..."
"Oh come on!" Mike said, expaserated.
"Ash!" Emma said.

"Look I just—I don't want to associate with them ok? Is that so bad?!"
Ashlyn sighed, slumping into the couch. "I's not like I could talk to them now even if I wanted to! My phones gone so there's that,"
"Ashlyn, just tell them the truth as yourself." Mike said. "You can't hide behind a screen forever,"
"Exactly," Emma agreed. "This is just gonna end up hurting them, and you."

Ashlyn looked away. "Yeah. I know."

"I know."

(A/N: 290 words—i am so sorry im so freaking tired right now I don't have the motivation or the energy to write more right now TvT. Im going to take tmrw off—am very tired.)

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