The Ferris Wheel

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Ashlyn stared out the window as the Ferris wheel took her and Aiden up. It was pretty, the way that the lights danced around on the ground. She liked it. It was peaceful.

"It's so pretty.." Aiden mumbled subconsciously, reminding the red head of his presence.
"It is.." Ashlyn said, looking at the blonde. She had to admit to herself, she liked the boy a little bit. She didn't know if it was love—but Aiden had found his way to weasel into her heart. As annoying as he was, he was a good friend and cousin. A little over the top and crazy, but his heart was always in the right place. That was what mattered, right?

Ashlyn thought back to what her dad and mom said. To tell them the truth. She sighed. She would tell them all the truth at one point, but she wanted the occasion to be one that she made and arranged. They might be mad at her, Tyler would probably be mad. But they deserved it. They didn't deserve her bitchy attitude, they deserved to know.

"I'll tell them..." Ashlyn thought to herself. She looked at Aiden, who was staring out the window. He had a genuine smile on his face. A soft one that was rare to see on the boy. Her heart fluttered a little, and she allowed it.

The way the dim light hit his blonde hair and illuminated his blonde face, those red contacts that hid eyes with a thousand tales. They all were overshadowed by his psycho smile. But in moments like this—moments were he was genuine. Smiling softly.

God he looked handsome. Almost like a dog, maybe? Ashlyn didn't mind though. She liked dogs. Loved them actually.

Ashlyn paused. Oh

So that's what that feeling was?
She wouldn't say it out loud. But, she liked it.
Yeah. She liked it.
She liked Aiden Clark.
Tyler shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he looked at the boy in front of him. God, why was this so award? Why did Tyler have to be so awkward around him?

God, Logan did things to Tyler.

In the beginning, Tyler thought he was pathetic. Smart as a whip, buts weak ass crybaby with no backbone. But after the arcade incident...he didn't know. Something in him changed.

And he hated it. He couldn't focus on things he needed to. Couldn't pay attention to his Mom or Taylor's needs, his mind kept drifting to the nerd. Tyler hated it. He didn't have time for love, he didn't need it.

He was fine.

Logan stared out the window, quiet as usual. He was mesmerized by the stars. Tyler felt heat rush to his cheeks. He pretty. Tyler gulped and shrugged the feeling off.
"What are you even looking at?" Tyler asked, swiftly distracting himself from his thought. "There's barely any stars in the sky right now."
"I know.." Logan mumbled, a little disappointed. "But it's still pretty to look at! It's like someone just scattered little dots of paint across a black canvas. And besides, the science behind them is also really fascinating."
"Oh don't get started another one of your yaps," Tyler joked, looking out the window as well. Logan did have a point, it looked really pretty despite the lack of stars. He looked down, regretting it almost immediately because holy shit they were high. But his panic subsided when he saw the lights.

Logan was still looking at the stars. Tyler didn't want him to miss this, so gently he grabbed Logan's chin, pulling his face down to look at the lights. Logan gasped with delight, ignoring Tyler's hand on his face.
"It's so pretty!" Logan smiled, the light reflecting in his glasses a little.
"So are you.." Tyler mumbled to himself.
"Did you say something?" Logan asked, looking up at Tyler.
"Oh uh—no. I was just talking to myself." Tyler replied quickly.
Logan smiled softly, a solem look on his face. "Hey um..Tyler? I've got...kind of a weird question."
Tyler looked at the boy, his attention peeked. "Hm?"
"Do you um..." Logan hesitated. "Do you..hate me or something? Because well...since the arcade you've been...acting weird. And it got worse after Aiden's party. So um...d-did I maybe do something to offend you if I did I'm really sorry I" Logan stuttered. His face flushed red as he fiddled with his fingers.

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