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Taylor and Tyler stood outside of the arcade, waiting for the others to show up. Tyler looked to his feet.
"Something on your mind, Ty?" Taylor asked.
"Nothing.." Tyler grumbled. Truth be told—there was always something on his mind—but that was just the norm for him nowadays with everything going on at home. However, since the game he couldn't get his eyes off a certain someone and it was driving him insane.
"Are you sure?" Taylor asked. "You look upset."
Tyler grumbled. "Just fuckin Logan."
"Why? What'd he do?"
"I don't know!" Tyler snapped. "But every time I look at him—my chest gets all fuzzy and my face heats up! And before you say anything—no way in hell is this a crush! I don't like guys, and I don't like Logan! He's just a friend."
Taylor sighed. She loved her twin—but goddamnit couldn't he be a little bit smarter when it came to this stuff? From what she could tell—tyler had already fallen. Taylor decided to keep her mouth shut though, better for tyler to figure that one out for himself.

"Hey Tay! Hey Ty!" Logan waved as he walked up to them. "Still waiting on Aiden and Ben?"
"Yeah," Taylor said.
"What do you think?" Tyler grumbled.
Logan was a bit surprised by Tyler's mood. He did it dwell on it too much—he was cranky.
"I thought they'd be the first ones here, where are they?" Logan asked.
"No idea," Taylor said. "Maybe I should shoot Ben a text?"
"Yeah, tell them to hurry up!" Tyler snapped. "We've been here for like—20 minutes already,"
"Alright alright chill. And we've only been here this long because we came early Ty," Taylor snapped back.

Princess Tiana:
Hey ben where are you and Aiden? You guys are a little late. Everyone else is here already.

Sry bout that. Aiden's taking forever.

Princess tiana:
Well tell him to hurry up.
Cuz Tyler's getting antsy :/

I thought we agreed on 3:00 as the time? It's 2:34.

Princess tiana:
Tyler insisted on being early for some reason.
Idk why but it makes no sense.
Like if you don't wanna wait then don't show up an hour early!

Wait you've been waiting for an hour?!

Princess Tiana:
Nah only like 30 mins.
Don't sweat it. your fine :)

Oh thank god.
Anyways we'll be there in a little bit.
See you then.

Princess tiana:
See you Ben :)

Taylor smiled and put her phone down. Didn't matter where she was or what mood she was in—talking to Ben always made her happy. He was calm and sweet—despite being the size of a giant.
"Well?" Tyler asked, impatient.
"Would you calm down? Jeez! There gonna be here in a little bit. Aidens just taking a while," Taylor snapped back at him. She loved her brother—but he was a pain in the ass sometimes.
"Tch." Tyler crossed his arms and looked away. Taylor and Logan shared a collective sigh.

10 minutes later—Aiden and Ben finally showed up.
"Finally!" Tyler said, throwing his hands in the air. "Took you guys long enough!"
"Uh excuse you?" Aiden said, smiling. "We were actually early this time, thank you very much!"
"Yeah—so were me and Tay and we waited like forty minutes for you guys!" Tyler grumbled. Not even two minutes in the same vicinity as each other and they were fighting. Ben, Logan, and Taylor sighed.
"Can you two like—not?" Taylor put her hands on her hips. "We came here to have fun—so let's have fun! It won't be fun if you two just bicker the entire time,"
Tyler mumbled something angrily under his breath and looked away. Aiden smirked.
"Yeah Tyler. Don't start a fight,"
"Aiden." Taylor scolded.
"I was simply repeating what you were saying," Aiden held his hands up like he was innocent.
"Guys, can we just go inside and stop fighting? Please?" Logan asked. "Fighting isn't gonna do anything.."
"Thank you Logan," Taylor said, pointing to the dumbass twins and then at Logan. "You two—listen to him."

After Tyler and Aiden both cooled down, they went inside. Logan was a little mesmerized by everything, Ben to. They hadn't really been to an arcade before. Aiden looked around, before pausing when his eyes crossed the DDR machines.
"Ashlyn would've loved this.." Aiden thought as he looked at the machines. He was still a little sad that Ashlyn had given him a fake number. He gained a new friend, yes. But that didn't make it hurt any less.

"Are you looking at the DDR machines?" Logan asked, noticing Aiden's silence. "If you wanna play, i could do it with you if you want! Though I'm not very good at it.."
Aiden smiled at Logan. A genuine smile. "Bet you I can beat you,"
"I don't know if I'm gonna take you up on that bet," Logan smiled a little. "But sure, I guess."
"Ohhh are you guys gonna play DDR?" Taylor asked excitedly. "Ty, Ben—do either of you wanna go on with me?!"
Tyler shook his head. "I don't know how to play Tay,"
"What about you then Ben?" Taylor asked.
"I don't know how to play really either.." Ben wrote.
"Aw c'mon!" Taylor said. "It's a two player game! One of you has got to go with me!"
Taylor flashed her brother a look. Tyler scowled. He knew what she was doing.
"Taylor don't you dare—"
"Pleeeeeeaaaaaase ty? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease—"
"Alright alright fine! Just stop that!" Tyler sighed, putting a hand on his face. Goddamnit—he needed to learn how to be tougher with Taylor.

Taylor smiled happily as her brother joined her on the machine.
"Ready to show them how much you suck?" Taylor joked.
"Say that again and I'm getting off!" Tyler snapped.
"What? Scared your gonna lose to your sister?" Aiden smiled at Tyler as he and Logan got on. "Eh, that's fine. You don't wanna be outshined and admit that we're both better than you at DDD. I get it."
Tyler scoffed, feeling his blood boil at Aiden's comment. Oh it was so on!
"Your on!"

Ben smiled as he watched his friends and cousin on the machine. It was really nice for him—to see all of them having such a good time. It got his mind off of Ashlyn and her secret she was so insistent on keeping. It irritated him, but just for today—right now, he was able to forget and just have fun. After DDR (Which Taylor beat them all at and Logan lost horribly) they played some different games. Tyler insisted on playing the basketball game—smiling smugly when he beat Taylor and Aiden at it. After that they played air hockey, and Taylor almost gave Logan a concussion when the puck flew off the table and hit him between the eyes. Aiden cackled at that. They played a first person shooter game, which Logan was shockingly good at. Who knew the nerd could be so good with guns? Afterwards, they played the jackpot game, and Ben won them the jackpot. He nearly broke the button with how hard he hit it.

Everyone was having a ball. They were laughing and having fun with each other. Even Tyler was having fun—despite being so angry at the beginning. They laid their tickets down on the ground, which Aiden then proceeded to nose dive in. Tyler took a picture of how stupid it looked.
"I think this is enough for all of us to get decent prizes!" Taylor said happily as she looked at the pile.
"I say I take half of Aiden's share because I crushed him at that basketball game." Tyler said.
"WHAT?!" Aiden screeched. "Hell no! I beat you at DDR! Your not getting my share!"
"Suck it up and pay up," Tyler smirked.
"Nu-uh! And you should give me half your share then! Since I beat you!"
"That would just add up to the same thing.." Logan said a little quietly.
Tyler and Aiden both paused and looked at each other before looking at Logan. "Oh yeah.." They mumbled.
Taylor laughed, and Ben chuckled a little too.

They heard chatter coming from the front of the arcade. Logan glanced over to see who it was and then froze. It was Barron and his little 'gang'.
And this day had been going so perfectly too.

(A/N: Heya! So this was a long chapter. Reason for that being is testing is coming up in school and my grades have tanked so I have a lot of work to catch up on—so I might not be able to get the next chapter out tomorrow. Wednesday it'll definitely come out—but as of now my updates might take a little longer because of testing and school stuff. I'll try to write whenever I can—but until then please be patient! And as for my 'Banner Siblings' fanfiction—that'll be going on hiatus until June because it takes me so long to write. Anyways—thanks for listening to my ramble. Have a lovely day! :D)

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