CHAPTER 27 - support

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It's the way we handle ourselves, taking care ourselves, learning how to protect and being our own closure.

I feel like we're all start from going to school, learning about education , making friends. Working really hard to be proud of ourselves, it's how you feel like you accomplish your sleepless night.

Yet , nobody talk about so many thing would happen to us.
The way it would teach us so many life lessons especially worse ones as we are learning

I mean growing up since kid
We're never taught on how to protect ourselves whenever we get bullied
Or how to handle our emotions
How to heal from what hurts us
How to stand up on our own feet
Unknowing that you would lose people alongside

It's when you realise it's you who have been there for yourselves all this time
Teaching how to be strong and be your own pillow to sleep on
Being your own comfort place to let it all out
You have to encourage how to be good at handling emotion
It's weighing us so much that it can be absurd

So it's okay , as you rely on yourself
Letting yourself rest , take breaks or a pause
People would throw bricks once we're letting the best come into us
Especially when you put yourself first, letting yourself heal
You would be call as wrong, lazy and unresponsible
It genuinely unfair and it could feel overwhelm

As to think that in the end of the day
You would still show love towards people around you
But it's the way sometimes you would act unconscious, getting mad
They would see you as someone who's unreal, or not even letting to at least try put in our shoe , understand how we feel
If they're in our situation, how would they feel
To think that people won't even think that way
That is just simply doesn't make any sense
It's the way you want to be understood

So i wanna say that

If you need someone to lookout for you then do so
If you don't feel comfortable then it's okay to do what you feel comfortable
It's okay to detach yourself to deal with what's in your head
It's okay to take a step back

Just because you rely on yourself
Doesn't mean you don't deserve someone as well
Someone who's going to understand
And let you live the life you desire

As you think do you love yourself enough?
I hopefully, thoroughly allow yourself to
Underneath all the aches

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