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Often time , we always keep on being on grief and absorb pain through darkness while even asking how to be happy? There a a lots of factors in which we just ended up being scared to wake up and stand aside from our mind in order to bound further. Do you ever sit down and ask , why are you feeling all those kind of emotions ? Or you're trying to hurt yourself by saying that you are worth nothing at all? Well , I guess now is the time for you to fight all those thoughts and become better version of yourself starting today. If life ever feel empty and you feel abandon , make sure you have some time to heal your soul . Allow yourself to discover more things around this world especially because you are not god to live eternally. Everyone has different stories and that's something that actually make us all part of the humanity. I would like to say growing up I have a lot of miss opportunities and regrets by not do all the things that I want despite I always think what other people would perceive and if I genuinely mess up thus because I just got block by my own whispers in my head telling me I couldn't. I even hit rock bottom and think I couldn't pace around anymore. Yet, something finally reminisce into me and I am gonna share them whole-heartedly.

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