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I love the idea of having you

as part of my life

when you blurt out 

all of the considerate spirit

the souls fulfill my focus

captain oh captain!

I wrote another poetry

I sat around the beach 

I observed around

I was truly happy

I gained the ideas 

from my surrounding

I slept while hold my pen

the ink simply spilled into my cloth

why are you running away?

why don't you explain?

are you choosing to be someone who

is in grief or 

do you want to be free?

life is questionable

it's unfair

as a human 

kids definitely need to be love

not to be force to love

let someone has the chance to

be fully happy 

do all things that feel scary

has the courage to do every possibilities

make someone feel heard

you might save someone 

just because 

you're letting them choose

the right choice in persuade forevermore

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