CHAPTER 11 - lost in mind

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I've been feeling a little out of zone like I've been questioning myself if i am still on track. It's hard sometimes because it's making me feel like I am not alive. I've been in my room not feel like go out. I enjoy watch movies and do anything in my room stil and it's so comfortable. Sometimes i look out and observe the cloud , at night i'd watch the moon and seeing its shape. I always wonder how everything somehow look beautiful without people notice or realise it. I feel like when we start to choose to be open mind and to stand still we wouldn't bother if there are things that trying to stop us. It's crucial as well to let yourself to go slow in order to go even further without the feeling of burnout or pressure. Lately I realized that I've been pushing myself hard with part of my thoughts and constantly feel lethargic. Although, I've been decided to wake take care of myself and it actually therapeutic and like a recharge to my own battery

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