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I woke up at around 3 in the morning. Joey's back was facing me, but we were touching so it's okay...I guess..
I turned over and threw my arm over him, snuggling him tightly before he rolled over and cuddled me back. With a content smile, his eyes peeked open. I smiled back at him before stroking his cheek with my thumb.
"What time is it?" Joey whispered. I grabbed my phone and checked the time.
"2:59." I whispered back. Joey nodded and sighed before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You're so beautiful," Joey peeped. I chuckled slightly before placing a small gentle kiss on his lips. Joey moved his body closer to mine, to where we were literally touching. I could feel his warmth and, man, was it comforting. I intertwined our legs together and buried my head into his neck. Joey played with my hair, twisting and twirling it around his fingers. "I love you." Joey spoke. I felt so happy and relaxed with him.
"I love you too." I mumbled. Joey squeezed me slightly before shutting his eyes.
I began to breathe at the same pace as him, attempting to relax myself more—if that was even possible.
I took my head out from his neck, just to see Joey smiling with his eyes closed.

God I love this man.

I put my hand in the side of his face and fiddled with his earlobe, causing him to squirm a bit. I giggled slightly before kissing his face all over. Joey squeezed the sides of my waist and I squealed, but quickly slammed my hand over my mouth.

I Think I Love My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now