Summer Lullaby

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During a warm summer evening I was walking down a peaceful meadow.
The sun was warmly giving its last rays of the day on the field before going for the night to cradle it before it came back in the morning.
The wind whispers an unknown, soothing and, somehow, cooling lullaby in the blades of grass. My hands try to translate the calming sound by slightly caressing the words that the wind writes on the plants while walking.
The hot summer air in the meadow smells like a timeless place in this weak setting.
During this moment the sun warms me, not only from the hot summer air but also my body from its warming demeanor and the wind refreshes me with its melodious and calming voice which soothes the hot summer air.
There's no one else but the three of us at this very own moment.
At this very own moment I only needed some peace in my conflicted mind during this endless and conflicted summer time.

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