Œdipian Lovestory

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I've met the people I see as my parents in an event in which the three of us were invited. I've always been close to them, and ever since the first sight.
I called them mama and dada.
We had a lot of fun together and with their children, even though they considered me as their older sibling.
I've always had a deeper bound with dada, maybe because I've always had issues with paternal figures; my biological father never wanted to know me and slam the door to my mother's face and mine when she came to him with me in her arms after my birth and my father, the one who raised me, hasn't been close to me.
One day, when I was out with friends during my day off, mama called me rather stressed. She asked me if I could come for 5pm at their place because she and dada wanted to talk about something important and urgent with me.
I came as asked and the three of us were sitting at the kitchen's table; their kids were at their grandparents.
Mama spoke the whole time.
She told me that they're getting a divorce because dada started to have feelings for me.
She tried to calm me down saying that she's not upset towards me because she saw very well that I never tried to steal her man and the issue comes from him but even with that I felt extremely guilty about this situation and a bit disgusted towards him.
I ran out of their place and tried to erase them from my life by no longer speaking to them but it was impossible... I was also close to dada's best friend; he didn't even know about this situation.
He saw that something was going on and asked me if everything's alright with mama and dada because I seemed rather distant towards them and I angrily told him to ask his best friend to know why everything is screwed.
He came to dada and told him everything, dada is now alone and in despair he lost everything for a love that was going against the love I had for him.

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