Summer Camp

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One evening, at the summer camp in which I was working during the summer break when I was at Uni I did a water fight with the children for their last night at the camp.

The camp was on an ex-campsite, the director bought the site and renovated the whole place to make it at the norms to be able to open and keep the children safe.

I was keeping the teenagers at the time and, like I said, for their last night here we did a water fight. The fight was between the neon light of the entrance of the camp and the wildfire we did earlier to cook the marshmallows while telling scary stories.

I've heard from the director that the camping, before it closed, was linked to a serial killer. I'm pretty sure that he invented this story to scare his employees. I've used that to tell a scary story to teenagers. They were petrified when I told them the story of 'the killer of the camp' and reassured them by insisting on the fact that it is fake since the moment I never had a proof of a story like that.

During our battle I've heard a car stopping at the entrance of the camp, I was still laughing when I turn my head to see if it was my boss coming back from his round of the exterior of the camp to check if anyone tries to get in or out as usual, but instead of his old-fashioned cherry colored car it was a brand-new black car that smell the rich from miles away.

My amusement stopped in a second. The kids understood at my face that something was wrong, I whispered to the nearest one to all go to the activity leaders' place and ask one of my colleagues to quickly come here and call the director.

Once they all left, I came to the driver's window and once I was there he opened it and told me that he was the father of the twins I was keeping, I knew he was lying because we all met their parents, like all the kids's parents to be sure that a kidnapping won't happen, and he wasn't the father. I didn't tell him that he was lying but asked him for his ID to know his identity by saying that I wanted to check if he really was their dad and also asked some questions to keep him as long as possible until a colleague arrived.

The oldest and most imposing colleague quickly came, once he was next to me he looked at me to ask me if I was alright and then told me in a head movement to go with the others when the stranger told him the same story he did to me a few minutes earlier.

When I took the way to the activity leaders' place I heard a car, I turned my head and saw the director coming. He quickly jumped out of his car and saw that he was really upset. I didn't see more because I wanted to be sure that the teenagers were alright.

Once I arrived I saw that all of them were scared. I told them that everything was under control with my colleague and the director, they still were scared until we all heard the sirens of the police from afar twenty minutes later.

Two policemen with my colleague and director came ten minutes after that to ask me some questions about the man in question and I told them what happened.

I learned a few weeks later when I was back at the university, by a mail that the director of the camp sent to all the activity leaders, that this man was the serial killer that he talked about.

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