Coffee Shop

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I never thought I would need someone in my life or that anyone can drastically change it.
I have always been pushed to be the best in everything and put my career first in a way that I will not think about having someone and a family.
But that day when I came to that coffee shop my mind totally changed when I saw the server, I knew at first sight that there was something between us.
Their eyes were green but also were so luminous that they can seem to look like mirrors at a certain angle. Their gestures were so fine. Their lips were like two pink rose petals and their voice sounded like sour candy, a little rough but nice to hear.
I often get back to this coffee shop afterwards just for them, my body craves to see them. I needed them to make my day a little better every day.
We often talked together when there were not many customers in the coffee shop, we became friends and I didn't really want to tell them the attraction that I have for them to not break our friendship.
One day, my hope to love them was deceived when their partner came to their workplace while I was there. I was too stunned, I didn't know what to do, I felt so bad for them that I loved them while they were in a relationship but I acted like nothing. I came back after this event because it became a habit.
A few months later, when I came back they were there as usual but I felt that they weren't okay and asked them how they were feeling because I was worried because it had been a few days that I haven't seen them. Their half died tragically in a car accident.
I was not expecting them to break up with their partner, featherless expecting them to lose their lover. I asked them if they needed help but they kindly refused because they didn't feel like having some at this moment.
The days went by and their grief didn't go, I saw that but they never accepted talking or having a little help. I offered them to go out with me to think about something else, they accepted and we had a good time. We laughed and had fun but I saw that they were still not okay deep down.
One day they never get to their work, I've learned the day after that they committed suicide and left a message in which they mentioned me and how sweet I was to them, they were really glad I was there, I made them stay longer but they were unable to remain much longer because their pain was too strong.
They wrote that they loved me and wanted to try something with me if they felt better, they felt sorry for me that they had been so selfish.
I've learned later that their past was extremely harsh, they had been kidnapped and abused after they became an orphan by the person who abducted them, and the passing of their partner was the final straw.
I excused them because suicide seems to be the best option when we feel bad and things couldn't get better, even though it's not it's just the society that doesn't help, I'm just angry against the society.

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