Chapter 23

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Azra's POV

After being gone for three weeks, The Queen entered my bedroom chambers screaming frantically. Percy was in the middle of getting undressed, hiding behind my curtains. My mother never cared about manners since she was the queen and had complete authority. She began to throw my books and shred my papers into pieces. I watched her coldly while Percy was confused about why she was having a tantrum.

"Your Majesty, have I done something to upset you?" I asked, trying to alleviate the situation. Her Majesty's cold eyes turned towards me as she stormed towards me. She grabbed my shirt and leaned towards me as I tried not to let the face of disgust slip through me.

"Where the hell have you been?" she asked menacingly. I looked at my mother with a hollow emptiness in my eyes. The woman who bore me is right in front of me, corrupted, disgusting, and sinister.

"Where do you think I've gone? I went to look for my sister, of course," I said coldly as her glare intensified. To this day, I have never understood why they hate my sister so much. Why did they want to kill her? How can a mother ever hate her child?

"Why? Aurora isn't needed here. You're the Crown Prince, and your presence is always required here." she scolded, pushing me away and walking towards my younger cousin. Thankfully, he put some clothes on before she cornered him to the wall.

"Where did you go?" she asked as he tried to avoid her wrath.

"We went to go find the Princess."

"She's no Princess."

"She is"

"No Princess can emit such power."

"Well, Princess Aurora is an exception."

"Fuck no," she sneered as she slapped Percy across the face leaving a red stain on his cheek. Percy looked at the ground, trying to simmer down the rage within his body.

"You better tell me where you two went," she hissed, grabbing Percy's face and forcing him to look straight at her. His green eyes glowed with so much rage that I thought he was going to kill her.

"We went to find her Royal Highness," he sneered while my mother slapped him again. My room became dark as Percy's dark aura spread. I went towards her and grabbed her arms, and she yelped at my sudden action.

"We went to go find my sister, and she was nowhere to be found, so if I were you, I would begin the search parties before our subjects begin to suspect that you and the king killed her," I said with no remorse about hurting her wrist. 

The Queen yanked her wrist for me as she glared at me. She wanted to punish me, but that wouldn't end well within the news outlets, now would it? They cared way too much about their reputation to fuck it over. After she shut my door, Percy's aura slowly dissipated into his calm presence as I looked at him apologetically.

He shakes his head as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"It's not your fault that you have a bitch for a mother," he said annoyingly. A bitch indeed. I wasn't sure how my sister dealt with someone like her. I wanted to get rid of the King and Queen, but that would be treason.

I needed to secure my place on the throne and ensure that once I was King, I would protect all my subjects from harm. I hated how useless I felt not being able to help my sister, but once she learned to control her true power, it was over for the King and Queen.

Percy was quietly observing me while I sat down on my chair, thinking on ways to deviate my parents from trying to kill my sister. While I was thinking of ways to deviate this monsterous plans that my parents and Sylas's family were planning, a soft knock interrupted my thoughts.

I looked at Percy with my brow hunched up while he looked at me confused. None of us were expecting company until the door opened.

Ashley's head popped in as her strawberry blonde hair flowed against her.

"May I come in?" She asked quietly while looking behind her.

We both nodded as she walked in, closing the door behind her. She then proceeded to take her sword out, showing us how destroyed it was. My eyes widen at the sight of her sword completely destroyed. Just what the hell happened?

"Your mother did this" she whispered as tears began to flow down her face.

Percy's face turned grim as he went to touch the pieces left of the sword.

"It's beyond repair.." he whispered. My eyes widen as I went to go look for myself. Indeed, it was beyond repair, but I know someone who can fix it and that individual is my sister.

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