Chapter 29

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"WHAT?!?" Caz and I yelled as I backed away from her and the book. "You'll do great," she said as she stood up stalking towards me with the book.

"ARE YOU INSANE PRINCESS?!?!? HER MAGIC IS UNSTABLE!!!" Caz yelled. If there's anything that Mr. Messenger here values his damn interior. Never met a man who valued his house interior than this guy right next to me. Ash rolled her eyes and dropped the book before us, causing us to jump.

"Stop being such a wuss, you can always fix your house, but I need her to be at her best" she argued with Caz, but he wasn't having it.



"You know how expensive the majority of my items are?"

"I can give you the money for it"

"I don't fucking care about money"


"Some of these are irreplaceable"

"Majority is"


She immediately stopped talking and the atmosphere turned dark. He's never talked about his family before. I only know that Erix's family helped raise him. Just what happened to his family?

"I-I-I'm so sorry. I-I" she began to say before he stood up and walked out, slamming the door. The tension in the air wouldn't leave. I knew that she didn't mean any harm, but there were some things that she needed to understand.

Not everyone is comfortable when it comes to their personal life. She stood there quietly as tears began to stream down her eyes.


But she just shook her head and clenched her fists. "Let's begin... outside" she whispered. She grabbed the book, and my wrists, and dragged me to Caz's backyard.

The moment we reached outside, she placed the book on the ground. The ancient book was calling to me, but I was too scared to look. What is in the book? I was about to reach for it, to dissect it, and to ingest it. But the moment didn't come due to Erix barging in with Caz.

His face with a few cuts, his nose was bleeding, and knuckles covered in blood. He looks at Ashley whose eyes are completely puffy then at me. "What's this book on the ground?" He asked as he picked it. Ashley's body tensed when she saw Erix.

No one has ever dared to even look at the Mafia lord nor even speak to him. Waiting for a response, he walked towards her and lifted her chin with a wicked grin.

"Your Highness, I'm sure you know it's rude to leave a question unanswered" he said. To say the least, Ash has a temper: she hates when someone defies her. She tried her very best not to curse him out, but that didn't stop her from her harsh words.

"My Lord, if you value your head, I suggest you take your hands off me" smiling as she said it in the most innocent way. I already knew that hell was going to break loose. I mean, Erix who has a short temper attitude along with Ash who also has a short temper attitude equals to going at each other throats 24/7.

"My, My, what a foolish threat" he countered as he let go of her, now walking towards me. His menacing gaze soften as he kissed the back of my hand. It earned a small blush on my end as he smiled before Ashely began talking.

"Wow, I never thought a Mafia lord was capable of love" she snickered. Caz grabbed her wrist and shook in head. As if telling her to keep her mouth shut, but that did not stop Ash. Oh no, she just kept going.

"So, you took the liberty to kidnap her so that she can become your bride?" She asked while crossing her arms. Erix was about to argue before I blurred out something so stupid.

"Oh my!!! Look at those beautiful trees and those beautiful flowers. Ugh, Caz you have the most stupendous taste"

The three of them looked at me quietly before Caz turned around covering his mouth. He was shaking in the most unpleasant way, but at least he didn't try to laugh at my face. Erix grabbed my hand and winked at both. "My Princess loves your garden Caz. Make sure it stays lovely" he threatened.

He stopped laughing and turned to look at his Lord then at me. "You act like I don't give a shit about my garden" annoyed he walked towards a bush of roses and plucked one out. Twirling the rose around his finger, but for whatever reason, I felt the need to grab another rose and dance along. "You know, it's tradition here in the underworld to give a rose to the most beautiful woman you lay eyes on" he said still playing with it.

He then walked to Ash and placed the rose behind her ear before whispering something to her. Whatever he said caused her face to fluster so bad that he laughed.

"Checkmate, Princess" he said before reaching for the book and opening it. "Well, let's not just stand here. There's work to be done with her" he pointed as I stuck my tongue out. Rebuilding her katana is impossible.. My powers cannot be that powerful. His eyes widen as he saw the book and turn to Ashley confused. "There's nothing on here" he groaned thinking that it was all just a prank, but she shook her head. 

She took the book from his hands without looking at him and hand it over to me. I carefully took it from her hands and looked at it, but I saw so many pictures and spells. Along with stories of legendary vampires with my form: Color changing eyes. I looked back at Caz confused. "What are you talking about? It's filled with words" I said as I went over all the pages. 

"You're the only one who can read this book. To any of us, we only see blank pages, but you don't" she said smiling as Erix tried hard not to look shocked. I didn't understand why me until she spoke again to answer my question. "Because you have an extinct vampire form, Aurora. That form hasn't been seen in 500,000 years. You are now the strongest vampire throughout Kuata. You are what the people need" she said as I looked at her pretty fearfully. It's different when you have to assume responsibility for a kingdom, but for the entire nation is an entire different responsibility. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face it. 

Seeming to read my thoughts, Erix kissed my cheek while he whispered in my ear. "You will do great. I believe in you" For what ever reason, the Mafia Lord seems to have more faith in me than my Mother and Father. How can someone who is considered to be horrible treat me with so much kindness? It didn't matter as long as I can learn how to control my powers then everything will be okay. It just has to be okay.

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