Chapter 19

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Azra, Caz, and I were pacing back in forth at Caz's house while waiting for Erix to find my cousin. I managed to tend Caz's injuries, but that man is more stubborn than a bull. He wanted to continue the search for Aurora, but I had to hold him down. 


"For fuck sakes dude, stop moving" I scolded him while trying to tend is injuries, but he wouldn't stop insisting that he needed to continue to search for Aurora. 

"No, the Princess is in danger, we need to go save her" he said trying to force himself up. You see, for someone who's supposed to be in the mafia, this man has a low pain tolerance. It's fucking hysterical to see. He began to smack me as if that was going to do anything to me. Patience wasn't really my thing, but this man protected my older cousin, so I can tolerate his bullshit. 

"Stop acting like a child, your lord has agreed to bring the Princess in one piece" I said annoyingly while trying to find ways to calm him down. He was about to argue again before the door slammed open and Azra walked in. He walked towards Caz and began to speak in tongues or something. 

"When the wind is drawing near, you know the thorns are near"  was all he told Caz as I gave him a weird look. You see, I'm all for riddles and puzzles, but for the love of God can we not do this in a middle of a crisis? Caz seized all movement before he stood up and grabbed our arms.

"What the fuck?" I asked confused as he used his powers to warp us to a new place that I never seen before. 


We all waited impatiently as I looked out the window in hopes to see any sign of them. It was my first time being in the underworld and I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't peace and quiet. Azra and Caz sat down and began to gossip like two little girls that had nothing better to do. I tried so hard not to judge these two, but they act exactly the same. and I'm not sure if I should be amazed or concerned. I was about to say something when Erix and Aurora warped to the living room. My eyes widen when I saw Aurora wearing his shirt, covered in bite marks, Erix shirtless, covered in lipstick, and bite marks. I turned around trying to process what the hell I was witnessing before Azra and Caz began to scream.

"Aurora.. What the fuck is on your neck? and why are you wearing the Mafia Lord's shirt?" Az asked trying hard not to kill them both. 

"Princess... You really couldn't keep your hands to yourself, huh.."

"Aurora, please tell me" 

"I know I said he was a good guy, but I didn't think you would actually fuck him" 

"Can we not talk about my sister having sex?" 

"Well, your sister just had sex with my boss"

"Your boss had sex with my sister" 

"I didn't think your sister was the horny type" 

"I didn't either"

"So what should we do?"

"Beat him and purify her" 

"Yea, that sounds good, let's purify our sister" 

With that they both lunged towards them trying to fight Erix and purify Aurora. With such little time that Caz and Az had spent together, they immediately formed a bond, both with the interest of protecting Princess Aurora. I watched the chaos unfold as Aurora was running for her life while I just stood there trying hard not to laugh. 

"I fucking told you to protect her, not fuck her!" Azra yelled while chasing after Erix who was now trying to barricade himself in Caz's room. Caz on the other hand was trying to catch Aurora while she kept throwing things at him. 

"I'm marked by him already! you can't do shit" she yelled as we all stopped doing everything and turned towards her. Now looking at her closely, she was covered in love marks. Marks that claim someone and both she and Erix had one. I felt my jaw dropped towards the floor as I began to laugh my ass off. 

"You are fucking wild! Erix? You claimed Erix?" I said while laughing. I knew she always loved to do her own thing, but I was not expecting her to fall for a Mafia Lord. 

"Shut up, I want to marry him, and you three will support me" she huffed as she glared at Caz and Az. Azra was cursing himself out since he agreed with Erix to let the Princess choose whom ever she wanted to marry. Little did we know that she was going to fall in love with her kidnapper/savior. 

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