Chapter 26

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"You will be marrying Prince Azra from the Moon kingdom," Queen Issele said. Shock flowed through me as I looked towards my older brother who never seemed to care about anything that revolved me.

"Why? He's betrothed to Madeline" I said annoyingly. Throughout my 22 years living in this world, my parents have tried so hard to inflict their values on me, but it never worked. They instill torture, bribery, murder, and everything else that you can name within our kingdom. Our citizens are terrified of us and yet, here are my parents, only caring about the nobles. I kept glaring at my brother, hoping that his cold heart will have it in him to at least object, but he rolled his eyes and smirked.

Jerk. A Complete Utter Jerk.

I turned back towards my mother, ready to argue until my father appeared. "There's no time for objection, Xylvie. You will marry Prince Azra" he said coldly before he began to walk away. Everyone looked at me while my eyes glowed in anger. They did something to cause Prince Azra's engagement to fall; he was so in love with Madeline.

"Why?" I asked the King as he turned back towards me. "Well, Princess Aurora has been kidnapped and sadly, we can't kill her as we agreed with King Eden and Queen Audelia, so in order to maintain our alliance, you will marry their son" he said in a calm quiet that could kill. I did the best that I could with swallowing down my fear as he walked back out. My heart was beating so fast that I believed that Ii was going to have a heart attack.

My mother's beautiful short black hair with yellow eyes looked towards me. She was 5'5 with a beautiful slender body along with a high bridged nose, but I never understood how someone so beautiful became the most ugliest vampire alive. "Run along, Princess. You're not longer needed" my mother said as she began to walk towards my brother. I glanced once towards them and didn't look back again before heading towards my chambers.


"Princess Xylvie, here are your sweets" Ali said as she placed my slice of cake on my night stand. I sat down and took a small bite before looking at Ali who was just staring lifelessly at me. "Did they do something?" I asked softly, trying my best not to petrify her. Ali was only 20 years old and working as my lady-in-waiting. We both grew up together and sadly, life has never been easy for her. Especially when it comes to living in this horrid kingdom.

"They want me to look for Princess Aurora... They're throwing me into the mortal lands..." she whispered as my blood chilled. Why are they so desperate to find Princess Aurora? Why did her parents sell her to mine to get her killed? What the hell are they thinking? Why does her brother agree to this? Why do they want to kill her? I shook my head as I went towards Ali. Her teal eyes covered with tears as she held on to me. "I'm sorry that this is happening.. Let me talk to the-" she didn't let finish my sentence before interrupting me. "No, I will find her and I will help her.. That's what you would've done Xyl." She said.

Her terrified demeanor was now replaced with determination. She was right, when my family told me about their plan to kill Princess Aurora, I began to plans on my own to save her. I may not know her, but I would definitely appreciate anyone helping me if I was in that position. My brother became such a corrupted Prince, following our parent's ideals. He believed that everything they did and stood for is correct and their birth right, but I really wanted to prove them wrong. I looked around my room: it was covered with paintings from when I was a child. My eyes drifted towards my wardrobe as something glinted. I walked towards it and grabbed a beautiful sapphire bracelet, handing it over to Ali.

"Ali, while you go on this journey, I want you to know that this bracelet is imbued with my powers.. If you run into danger, this will protect you" I said as I tied it over her wrist. She observed and stared at the bracelet before hugging me. "Ali, I want you to do your best to protect the Princess.. If you find her, make sure my family doesn't know about this" she began to cry again as we both hugged. I couldn't help but cry as I saw my only friend departure from the palace. Everything around me became more dreadful as I slipped into the training room. If I couldn't help Ali by going with her, then I will train until I slay every person threatening to kill Princess Aurora. As a woman, we should be there for each other and I have no doubt in my mind that she needs every help she can get.

Even if it means betraying my so called family

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