Chapter 21

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Aurora POV

The door slammed open as red hair with gold eyes girl entered Caz's house, extremely pissed. Her eyes shot towards Erix as he gulped and began to back away.

"You bastard!!! How could you?!?!" she yelled, grabbing Erix with his hair. He tried to push her away as Caz and Percy turned around, trying to cover their laugh. He tried hard to make the girl away gently, but she got pissed, and fire emanated from her.

"Elva! Please! Not in front of the royal family!" he yelled. She stopped pulling his hair and turned to look at me. Slowly, she let go of his hair before she grabbed my hands, squealing.

"Oh my God!!!!!! Princess Aurora!! It's such an honor to meet you!!! I always wanted to meet you, but I hate your parents, so I never got near you," she squealed as her eyes turned bright gold.

I tried not to turn red while she rambled about my admiration. Erix covered his face with his hand as the mysterious girl smiled. Caz and Percy broke down into full-blown laughter as she whipped her head towards them.

Her face was flustered as she ran towards Percy and grabbed his face. His face flushed, confused by what was happening, and Azra began to laugh.

"I always thought you were so sexy when I saw your pictures, but you're even sexier in person," she purred as she began to stroke his hair.

Erix and I looked horrified while the other two laughed at Percy's embarrassment. He wasn't sure what to do since commoners weren't allowed to place hands on royalty for nothing, but I didn't care about the rules.

"Elva!! Release the Prince!!" Erix scolded while she turned around and stuck her middle finger.

"I don't take orders from you," she snarled while trying to seduce Percy. His eyes widened as he looked away, trying his hardest not to give in.

"Elva Wixx!! Let go of him!!" he yelled, and she finally let him go. Percy, Azra, and I were shocked. My head kept whipping back and forth while I pointed at him and her.

"Sh-sh-she's your sister?!?!?!" Percy screeched in horror as she pouted at Erix for stopping her. Azra and I were dumbfounded as we glanced at each other, trying to process everything.

"Looks like the Mafia Lady is interested in Prince Percy," Caz mockingly said as Erix approached his sister, ripping her of Percy. He felt a sense of relief as Elva tried to fight her brother.

Both began to bicker at each other while the three of us just stared. The bickering reminded me too much of Percy and me whenever he wanted to bother me. My older brother and I rarely bickered, but when we do, hell breaks loose.

"I was trying to catch my Prince Charming!" She yelled at her brother while trying to break free from his grasp. His eyes slowly began to glow in annoyance while he rolled his eyes, refusing to give up.

The difference in personality astonished me. While Erix is colder and more distant, Elva is brighter and cheerful, especially for someone who runs the mafia.

After a while of bickering, Elva's golden eyes shifted towards me. Her head tilted in confusion for an unknown reason, and her eyes slowly began to glow as she began to walk towards me.

My heart began to race at the unexpected change in atmosphere. One minute, she was flirting with my cousin; the next, she was bickering with her brother, and now her entire aura was as icy as her brother.

Each step she took became dreadful, as I wished things were different. The mafia are not people to mess with, and I sure as hell wasn't planning to get myself killed by them.

After what felt like years, she finally stood in front of me, and I held her gaze. I refused to let her show that I was intimidated by her, and she grabbed my chin and spoke quietly, a quiet that could kill me.

"Princess Aurora Solace the Beloved.. you've been marked by Erix Wixx, the Mafia Lord... Princess... you just entered dangerous territory. Royal with Delinquent.."

She held my chin firmly and smiled eerily. I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew that being marked by the Mafia Lord would mean selling my soul to him, but it was either Sylas or him.

Erix stood there staring at his sister as if this was something completely normal that she did. My brother grabbed Erix's arm and glared at him while looking at his sister. I wasn't sure what Elva was thinking, but it wasn't good whatever it was. 

"Your Highness, I love my brother so much that I would kill anyone who hurts him... I don't fucking care if you're Royalty or Noble blood, he's my only family member left, and I'll be damned if I let some bitch hurt him." 

Caz's eyes widened, trying to comprehend where this behavior stemmed from, but I understood her. If Azra were my only family member alive after having the rest of my family murdered, I, too, would be wary of who gets near him. 

"I suggest you take your hands off me, for I, too, do not fucking care to have you executed. Your brother will be safe... We have an agreement, and I don't back down from my agreements." 

Tension was building up as the guys watched us for a moment. Elva didn't budge before taking her hands off me and smiling at her brother. It seemed that I passed whatever test she put me up to, but I am a Princess, and I must stay alive, help my brother lead the kingdom, and assert my authority. Whether I marry a Mafia lord or not, that's my business and no one else's. 

"You chose a good one, Brother, though; I can't believe the person you chose is the Beloved Princess from the Moon Kingdom." 

Erix looks at me quietly while looking between my brother and me. Azra wasn't having it, but he glanced back at him and gave him a slight nod of approval. 

"Just don't get her pregnant." 

"We haven't even had sex yet." 

"The marks say otherwise." 

"We didn't" 

"Fine, I'll trust your word for now, but if she's pregnant, you're dead." 

"My, My, My Crown Prince being protective of his dear younger sister" 

"She's my sister, you idiot. Of course, I'm going to protect her."

"I'd burn the entire world for your sister Azra." 

"Hell, you will" 

"Of course, she's mine after all" 

"You two aren't married yet." 

"Imagine Princess Aurora marrying Mafia Lord Erix. How entertaining will that be?"

"Erix, shut the fuck up, please. I already gave you my slight approval; don't make me revoke it." 


With that, they both began to bicker while Elva, Caz, Percy, and I looked at them as if they were cats and dogs fighting. Caz placed his arm around Elva's shoulder, and she looked up at him and smiled. The underworld cannot be that bad. 

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