Chapter 24

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Azra POV

Ashley's face drained with color as Percy and I looked over her sword. We were going to send her to train Aurora how to wield a sword, but with her katana shattered, there was nothing that we could do. 

Ash's face was drained of color as she took the pieces of her katana from Percy who tried to use his magic to fix it. She slightly wept as she held the pieces of her katana. Having your sword destroyed is having your own life ripped apart from you. 

"I can try to take it to the blacksmith nearby, but I'm not sure if even he could fix it" she whispered. Percy and I glanced at each other worryingly since we knew how much her katana meant to her. We knew it wasn't the right time to tell her about Aurora's whereabouts. 

Her pink eyes looked up at me as she walked towards the window. She opened the curtains as her face darkened by what she was seeing. Just who was she staring at? What caused her face to darken? 

Percy walked right next to her to see for himself as his eyes glowed and darkened with rage. They stared out the window until I went to see for myself: the Queen, King of the Lumar Kingdom, and their heir- Sylas. 

The three of them looked at us and bowed their head while smirking. I wanted to wipe those smirks off their faces, to gut them myself, but I couldn't do that when I had to act like the dutiful son. 

Ashley leaned her head against the window before walking away in disgust. "Where is she ?" she whispered. Percy began to search through my room for any listening devices that my "parents" may have implanted. After 5 minutes of searching, he nods his head in approval. 

"She's in the Underworld" I whispered back. Her eyes widened in pure terror as she was about to start yelling about how stupid we were to leave her there, but I held up my hand before she began to yell. 

"I asked for an alliance... I need this to work out and I refused to let my sister near the Lumar Kingdom" I said coldly as she was trying to grasp everything that was occurring. I was about to continue explaining when a knock on the door interrupted me. 

My brown door slowly opened as my maid, Lilly, peered her head in. Her eyes were full of terror as she asked for permission to step in. Ashley gave her small nod and a small as Lilly closed the door behind her. 

"Prince Azra. Queen Audelia is requesting an audience with you" her voice trembling as her body collapsed on the floor, shaking with so much fear.  Ashely, Percy and I glanced within each other as we looked at Lilly with worry. 

Lilly has usually had nerves of steel: Nothing scares this woman. It was such rare occasions that she would get scared and in this instance, it had to do something with my parents and Sylas parents. I walked towards her, trying to help her up, but she looked at me with pleading eyes. 

"You need to go now.. You... They... go" was all she mustered to get out before I nodded. I looked towards my cousins who looked at with reassurance gazes as they went to help her up. I walked out my door towards the throne room wondering what the hell they were up to. 

As I walked by, my guards wanted to remain by my side, but the moment I entered the throne room, King Eden told them to leave. There wasn't anyone there besides The King, The Queen, Sylas, and his parents. For a room beautifully decorated, they certainly spoil the beauty in it. 

"Prince Azra, the Heir to the Moon KIngdom. I assume you're aware why we requested an audience?" Queen Audelia said with a smirk in her mouth. I looked at her with such boredom before glancing at the other people that were in this room. I wish I could kill them, but as of right now, they have the upperhand. 

I bit my lip and smiled bitterly at them as I said "No, Your Majesty. I have no idea as to why I was brought here" 

The King and Queen glanced at each other before looking at me with beaming eyes. 

"We're calling off your engagement with Madeline! You will be marrying Princess Xylvie from the Lumar Kingdom" the Queen squealed as my eyes darkened. There's no way in fucking hell I'm going to marry her. I turned towards the Eshlers as Queen Issele and King Paric gave me a fake smile. 

Sylas walked towards me as his places his hand on my shoulder, smiling with such evil intent. "It's good that we're going to be in laws" he said as I glared at him. I wanted to wipe that smug off their faces. I refuse to do such thing. I refuse to marry into the Lumar Kingdom. 

"I refuse" I mumbled. They all looked at me horrified as I clenched my fists. I will not marry into this family and my sister won't either. 

"It's not your decision, Azra. The Lumar Kingdom are our allies and you will marry their younger daughter instead of Madeline, and you two will make such a better couple" King Eden said as step down his throne. 

"You will forget about Madeline and you will accept this marriage" he said authoratively while I glared at him with such hatred. I had already fallen in love with Madeline, and I refuse to give her up. 

"I won't marry anyone that's not Madeline" I sneered as I glared at Queen Issele and King Paric. They just kept smirking until my father snapped his fingers as his emissary brought a letter. 

"Read it" he ordered as I looked at them.

"Prince Azra, we regret to inform you that we will be calling off your engagement with Madeline as she had her maidenhood taken by a guard. We no longer accept you as her fiance due to your assistance with the Lumar Kingdom"

I began to see red and glared at my parents. What the hell do they mean assistance with the Lumar Kingdom? I would never stoop so low to even be in the same room as them by choice. 

"You see Azra.. You either marry the Princess or we ruin our reputation" The king said. I never felt so confined within my own kingdom, but I cannot risk losing this crown even if I have to stoop low to marry into the Lumar Kingdom. 

"Fine" was all I said before taking my leave. 

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