Chapter 27

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A week has passed since I began to stay here in the underworld. Azra said that Ashely should be coming soon to teach me how to use my sword properly, but there haven't been any signs of her yet. During my stay here, I've been residing at Caz's home since it was a way to contain myself from Erix. I was sitting on the table eating my breakfast when Caz came in breathless. "Princess.. You. Me.." he kept trying to speak, but he was too out of breath to say anything. It took him a couple of minutes before he began to talk again. "I will be training you" he announced excitedly as he placed his hands on his hips and smiled at me.

I was mid-bite, looking at him insanely. I never once thought that Caz would be training me or that I would be training here at all. "What do you mean by training?" I asked while I kept eating my breakfast. He began to grab a plate of pancakes before plopping down at the table to eat. "Exactly as you heard it," he said as he chewed his food. His delicate features were even more stunning when he ate. How can someone look so pretty when they eat? I always look like a whale whenever I'm eating.

"No fair" I pouted as I kept eating as he looked at me confused. "We will start with the basics today," he said before I could object. I wonder what he means about the basics since I never really thought that people in the mafia train.

"What do you guys even train for?" I asked as I finished my breakfast and went to wash the dishes. He kept eating as if he hadn't heard a question before he stood up and helped me with the dishes. "How do you think we kill people, Your Highness?" He asked as he placed the dishes on the counter.

I stayed quiet as I looked at him. His kitchen was so neatly organized that I was surprised myself that the Mafia's Lord Messenger could even cook. I still didn't want to train, so I tried to dart my way through, but he caught me before I could escape.


"We're training you because Princess Ashely hasn't arrived to teach you how to use your sword, and we need to keep you safe" he grumbled as I tried to break free from his grasps. I know that I have to train, but I don't want to be trained to kill.

Caz opened the door and walked out of his house before using his magic to seal it shut. He strode down the road as everyone from the underworld were gazing at us with awe faces. "I never thought the Messenger would ever fall in love with a Princess and kidnap her" one of his comadres yelled. He rolled his eyes and showed them a vulgar gesture as he carried me all the way to the Greead building where all the mafia members go train.

As he went in, more eyes immediately faced us as he went towards the middle of the ring and dropped me. Whispers began to surround the room as a guy began to yell. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PIECE OF ASS, MESSENGER?" causing my face to flush as Caz threw him a warning glare. "This is the Princess of the Moon Kingdom and you will all show her respect" he said coldly as he glared at every single one of his comadres. They began to groan and argue while I gleaned towards the room. Covered with swords, axes, bows, and arrows, the room was dark and hallow as people died on a daily here. 

"Who cares? if she's here, it must mean that you plan to either torture her or kill her" a guy with orange and yellow hair with green eyes yelled. The color of my face drained as I looked towards Caz whose eyes became thirsty for blood. I wasn't sure if he was actually thirsty for blood blood or if he was thirsty to kill me or his comadres. His comadres began to circle around us as they looked at me as prey. My legs became weak like jelly as I began to back away. "I said stay the hell back" Caz roared as he used his magic to send them flying across the room. They still tried to grab me until Erix walked in with a menacing look. 

Everyone stopped and bowed down to him. "My Lord" was all they said as their hunger was replaced with fear. Caz and I sighed with relief as he walked towards us. "What the fuck was going on?" he asked as he saw me on the ground trembling. Caz swept his hand through his hair as he helped me up. "They tried to harm her, my Lord" he mumbled as Erix eyes were filled with anger. 

"Who dared to try and touch her?" he asked calmly trying to hide his rage. Everyone looked at him trying to avoid his gaze. 

"Who?" he asked once more until one of them answered. 

"We thought she was here to get killed or tortured, so we decided to go ahead and do it for you my Lord" the pink hair guy said as he scratched the back of his head. "Didn't Caz tell you all that no one lays a finger on her?" but everyone tried to deny that causing Erix to go feral. 

"YOU ALL DARED TO TOUCH MY FIANCE" he screamed as he began to attack his fellow members. They all were shocked to hear that I was his fiance even though I really wasn't since he never proposed, just marked me. Caz covered my eyes as his fellow comrades were screaming for mercy and claiming that they weren't aware. 

"Let's get you of here" Caz whispered as he carried me out of the greead building leaving a feral Erix beating the shit out of his people. 

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