CHAPTER 35 - The "Emma Thing"

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The air was thick with tension as nobody spoke a word for another five minutes. Honestly, it felt like an eternity. Harry was practically staring Reese down but she kept trying to avoid his piercing green eyes. Instead she would look down or even at me on occasion. It was almost like a silent plead for help.

But I really didn't know what to feel. Sure, I was disappointed in her for doing something so incredibly stupid, but everybody makes mistakes. Her excuse was so vague though, and maybe if she explained further, she could get herself out of this mess.

But along with the feeling of disappointment, I also felt sympathy. I wasn't exactly the type to get mad, unless it was over a very serious reason. But she said she was going through a lot of shit, and I guess I could understand that. Most teenage girls don't have to go through what she's been through.

After a bit of debating, I figured it'd be smart if I spoke up to help her out. "Like what?" I asked. Her gaze snapped from the floor to me. Her big, hazel eyes looked dull and held some kind of emotion in them.

"Like what? Like, I don't know, missing both my mom and dad just because they can't solve their fucking problems and figure a divorce is the answer? Like, getting kidnapped two fucking times just because my brother is famous? Losing absolutely all of my trust because of that? Oh, I don't know, maybe because my idiot boyfriend *cough* EX boyfriend got pissed at me just for wanting to figure out my future?! And before that bloody fight even happened, he was ignoring me and neglecting me for no apparent reason?!" she yelled.

I gulped, looking at her with wide eyes, as did everybody else. Louis looked down at his feet, guiltily. "I-I'm sorry, Ni, I didn't mean to snap at you..." she apologized quickly, looking at me with sorry eyes. I forced a small curve of the lips and nodded, silently saying that it was okay.

"Well, you should've talked to somebody about it," Zayn spoke softly. "Yeah, any of us would've been willing to listen and help," Josh added.

"Don't you remember me saying I lost all of my trust?" Reese asked, exasperated. "But we aren't like them, and you know it," Liam said pointedly.

She closed her eyes painfully and took a deep breath. "I guess this is the best time to tell you," she muttered. Zayn looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What? The Emma thing?" he quizzed. "What 'Emma thing'?" Louis finally spoke, curiously. Zayn gave Reese an encouraging nod.

"Wait, Emma Leslie?" Harry asked. Reese nodded in confirmation. "Huh. I always wondered what happened between you two," he said.

Reese sighed, scanning all of us before starting her story. "Well, first of all, haven't you guys noticed how I never speak to any friends from back home?" We all exchanged glances. I guess we've never really thought about it.

"Well, there's a reason for that. When I was nine, I met this girl named Emma. She was fun and bubbly and overall a sweet girl. She was one of those girls who you'd never think would do anything potentially harmful. I was so wrong...

We became best friends very quickly. And silly little me, I trust way too easily. So I spilled all of my secrets to her; from crushes to period stories. A few years later, we were in high school. Year 11, to be exact. We were still as close as we were back as little nine year olds, even though we both had changed significantly.

I used to be very quirky, and dopey, and prissy. She was also like that, which I guess is why we got on so great. But by year 11, she became the school's slut. She stopped wearing her pink, poofy sundresses and switched to short, tight skirts and low-cut tank tops. I went from my pink, poofy sundresses to ripped skinny jeans and oversized hoodies or t-shirts.

Despite our changes, we stuck by each other through thick and thin. Sure, she was on the cheer squad and was majorly popular, whereas I was on every sports team and was only popular because we were friends, but it didn't matter to us. But then one day..." she paused before continuing her story.

We were all listening attentively, intrigued in learning more about her past. Because really, it didn't seem all too bright.

"One day, I told her I had a major crush on Colby, one of the boys on the school's soccer team," she breathed. I noticed Louis tense up at this, even clenching his fists. It wasn't hard to tell they both still had feelings for one another, that slip of the tongue during Reese's speech pretty much gave her away.

"She told me she would try and set us up. So she hosted a party that weekend and invited the both of us, along with two hundred other people from our school. She told Colby to come over and chat me up. So he did, and we really hit it off. We wanted to go some place quiet so we could actually hear each other, since the music was literally shaking the house, and we went up to Emma's bedroom.

We were just goofing around, talking, getting to know each other. But he... He started taking advantage of me," she gulped. I noticed both Harry and Louis' expressions changed when she said that. "I'm gonna fucking kill this kid," Harry muttered under his breath. I'm not sure if he meant for anybody to hear that, but ne being beside him, I did.

"Like how?" Louis asked, through gritted teeth. "H-He touched me, and he tried to kiss me. I told him to stop but he wouldn't listen. So I got up and tried leaving, but apparently he had some alcohol a bit earlier and couldn't exactly control himself. He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall...

I kicked and I swung at him, but he wouldn't let go. He was really strong. I eventually got out of his grip but before I could make a break for it, he shoved me and I fell onto the bed. He also jumped onto the bed, and when I tried escaping, it made ruffling noises. I was panting for air, because it was really tiring trying to fend for myself. I also screamed out his name because I was trying to snap some sense into him.

I finally got away, but when I left the room... A whole crowd of people were outside in the hallway. They started calling me a slut and a whore and other things like that, and I was really confused, until I realized they probably thought I hooked up with Colby. Apparently all the noises I'd

made, and the fact that my hair was messed up, gave the illusion that I did.

For the rest of the school year, I was literally harassed and was called all those... awful things by literally everybody. The word had spread to people who weren't even at the party. All of my friends ditched me because they thought it was true. Except for Emma.

It wasn't until a week after the incident did I find out Emma was the one who got everybody to come by the door and listen in. And she also... While she was telling Colby to come chat me up, she told him that I was really... excited. I never spoke to her again after that, and she never tried to speak to me either," she finally concluded.

"That little bitch," Josh cussed, being the first to react. "I am seriously going to hunt this bitch and that jackass down. Nobody fucking hurts my girl!" Louis growled. We all fell silent at looked at Lou. He coughed to try and cover it up. "I mean... My friend."

"Louis, I-" Reese tried to say, but he cut her off. "No, it's... It's okay," he said, and left the room in a hurry. "I'll go check up on him," Liam said, and quickly trailed behind.

"Wait, no- Liam can't know!" Harry said, alarmed, and chased after the other boys. We all looked at the doorway they left from in confusion. "What the hell was that?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "I don't even know, but Louis and Hazza have been extremely weird lately," Josh replied.


A/N: woohoooo long chappie! :D sorry for the wait guys, but I'm not even joking, life is hectic and I'm still trying to balance out my school life.

Happy Easter by the way to anybody who celebrates it! :) <3

Dedication will go the person who comments the funniest joke. Here I'll tell you guys one;

Q: Where did Suzie go during the explosion?

A: everywhere ;D

Idk that made me laugh really hard lolol.

So please vote, comment, and fan! The more votes, the quicker the next upload will be! Love y'all and have a great day c: xoxo

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